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Egypt’s Faltering Transition: Domestic and Regional Dynamics and Challenges for India May 02, 2014 Rajeev Agarwal Fellows' Seminar

Chairperson: Ambassador Arundhati Ghose
External Discussants: Shri Sanjay Singh and Professor Gulshan Dietl
Internal Discussants: Dr P K Pradhan and Ms Ruchita Beri

The paper is an attempt to analytically examine the intricacies of Egypt’s transition, its domestic-regional dynamics and nature of Indo-Egyptian relations. In the introductory remarks, author briefly discussed Egypt’s geographic, demographic, civilizational and geo-political significance and highlighted Egypt’s centrality in West Asia-North Africa (WANA) region’s strategic landscape.

Author raised four concise research questions which form the major premise of this study; Factors responsible for faltering transition, Major domestic stake-holders in Egypt’s transition, External factors influencing the Egyptian transition and reverberations of transition on the region, and India’s key interests in Egypt.

In the first section, author identified four factors responsible for the flawed transition of Egypt. As per author’s contentions, SCAF in its short political existence of sixteen months failed to address the popular demands of Egyptians and thus its political miscalculation proved to be an obstruction in Egypt’s democratic ambitions. Author further elaborated how multiple elections and constitutional referenda post-2011 created an element of ambiguity and frustration, and led to a directionless transition. The third factor responsible for transition’s failure was Muslim Brotherhood’s confusion, contradiction and hurry in managing the new democratic Egypt. Lastly, with reference to certain important economic variables, author affirmed that deplorable economic conditions and inability to revive the Egyptian economy further impeded the transitional movement.

In the next section, author dealt with the major domestic players involved in writing the script of Egypt’s transition. Role played by Egyptian Armed forces, Political parties (Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic and secular political parties) and Youth Movements (April 6 movement, Revolutionary Youth Coalition, Tamarod) was analytically elaborated by the author.

Third section of the paper was centered on external dynamics of the transition. Author classified the influences under two major sub-heads; Regional and extra-regional camps. Based on ideological differences and state of diplomatic relations, author established that Saudi-UAE-Kuwait formed the Anti-Muslim brotherhood lobby, and Turkey-Iran-Qatar group was labelled as the Pro Muslim Brotherhood camp. Under Extra-regional stake holders, the case of Russia and U.S. was studied in greater detail. To evaluate Egypt’s impact on the region, author studied the spread of Political Islam emanating from Egyptian territory, reaction of neighbours such as Iran and Turkey, probable trade-effects along Suez Canal and changing US policies.

Last section of the paper focused on Indo-Egyptian relations by examining the cultural, civilizational, diplomatic, and economic-trade linkages. Special emphasis was laid on nature of bilateral ties in face of the Arab Spring. In conclusion, author emphatically articulated Egypt’s importance for India and deliberated upon challenges facing New Delhi while dealing with changing regimes in Cairo.

Shri Sanjay Singh congratulated the author for producing a well-structured and analytically sound paper. He stated that developments in WANA region deserve a more detailed mention in the introduction section of the paper to place Egypt in the regional context. He further suggested the author to examine the impact of Iran P5+1 talks and Iraq elections on Egypt. He appreciated author’s detailed analysis of Muslim Brotherhood’s role in Egyptian transition and asked the author to further address intra Muslim Brotherhood clefts. Furthermore, Shri Sanjay Singh highlighted the centrality of domestic economic forces in shaping the transition. Lastly, it was stated that even though Egypt is important to India, GCC remains the centre of attention and thus labelling Egypt as the “vital cog” in India’s foreign policy matrix seemed to be an exaggeration.

Prof. Gulshan Dietl appreciated the cogent and focused study undertaken by the author. She opined that the three years of turbulence have changed the status quo in Egypt and thus the argument that “Egypt is back to square one” remains contestable. While commenting on Egypt’s contemporary relevance, Prof Dietl mentioned that Cairo as headquarters of Arab league exemplifies Egypt’s centrality to the West Asian region. Additionally, author was urged to examine the role of Egyptian films and TV in evoking and influencing the public sentiment, in order to catch the pulse of Egyptian revolution.

Ms. Ruchita Beri acknowledged author’s efforts. She mentioned that though Egypt geographically falls under the African continent, Egyptians generally alienate themselves from their African identity. She suggested that the author accommodate the issue of Egypt’s participation in the African Union within the subject-matter of this paper, and also briefly examine Sino-Egypt trade relations.

Dr. P.K. Pradhan complimented the author. A succinct reference to Elie Kedourie’s work on Arab political culture was made to suggest that reminiscence of Mubarak still echoes across Egypt, even after his ouster from Egyptian political theatre. Sharing his insights on military dominance in Egypt, Dr. Pradhan asserted that even though the military leader has been removed, the institutional structures remain intact. He agreed with the author’s contention that military will dominate the domestic politics, and civilian misrule will not be tolerated by military in Egypt.

Amb. Arundhati Ghose: The neutral, non-judgmental and objective approach of the paper was highly appreciated by Amb Ghose. The author was advised to include “people or masses” as another major internal player in Egyptian transition. Demographic profiling of protestors while examining the youth movements was strongly recommended. Amb Ghose emphatically stated that jihadis have contributed to the failure of transition, and thus the role of Jihadi elements in shaping the transition deserves a mention, if not detailed scrutiny.

The discussion was followed by comments and questions from the floor. The need to examine the future of Egypt was underlined; in order to extrapolate whether Egypt will deteriorate into a failed state or will it bounce back and retain its influence on the region. Questions were raised on US policy towards Egypt post-Mubarak and Israeli view of Arab Spring and Egyptian transition. The issue of Egypt’s excessive dependence on foreign funds was debated and the need to study economic dynamics of Egyptian transition was duly acknowledged.

Eurasia & West Asia
Indian Ocean Maritime Security Cooperation: Will India Lead? April 11, 2014 Lee Cordner Fellows' Seminar

Chairperson: R Adm (Retd) K Rajamenon
External Discussants: Professor Baladas Ghoshal, Dr. Vijay Sakhuja
Internal Discussant: Cmd SS Parmar

The paper focusses on the prospects of Maritime Security Cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and India’s role in it. Maritime security has become a central issue for regional and extra-regional actors. Emerging traditional and non-traditional security challenges largely converge at sea as they impact economic, environmental, energy, human, food and national security. There are compelling drivers for enhancing maritime security cooperation in the IOR and considerable obstacles to be overcome.

The author argues that as the major regional power and an emerging Asian great power India’s willingness and capacity to provide strategic leadership is critical. However, in view of the alleged civil-military dissonance and the demonstrable lack of political will for reform raises questions about India’s strategic competence and influences perceptions of India’s prospects as a regional leader. Moreover, India’s strategic policy ambiguity undermines regional trust and confidence.

Notwithstanding India’s reluctance, the paper argues that regional actors will increasingly look to India to provide strong, proactive and coherent leadership; to engender a spirit of cooperation and shared destiny. The paper concludes that India’s strategic leadership presents a key regional security risk, and an opportunity.

Major Points of Discussion and Suggestions to the Author:

  • The presence of a large no. of actors espousing different cultural values and strategic attitudes makes the leadership position very challenging and difficult to sustain. Lack of regional cooperation in the IOR is not as much the result of lack of political will as it is the result of lack of material capabilities and consensus. India is trying to evolve that eluding consensus. MILAN is an effort in that direction.
  • It was argued that currently the priority of foreign policy of India is to maximise economic gains to internally stabilise and power-projection therefore, has been put on the backburner.
  • To aspire for great power status without developing matching capabilities to fulfil the obligations that come along this status would fail us. India’ reluctance to engage in expeditionary activities or in security architectures can be partly explained thus.
  • One reason for India’s reluctance to look beyond its borders is its troubled neighbourhood. Leadership role has to begin with neighbours and it was pointed out by discussants that India’s neighbours are not conducive to India playing an important role at the regional and global level. India is accused of nursing big brotherly attitude towards its neighbours. The China factor is also very important in India’s foreign policy and its quest for leadership role. China is both a determinant and constraint on India’s foreign policy.
  • Significantly, it was brought up during the discussion that India has to play an important role I the IOR as abdicating its responsibility will allow China to take control of the situation to the detriment of India.
  • The domestic compulsions of India also inhibits India’s leadership role. India’s Israel policy or West Asia policy has largely been hostage to the minority politics. Similarly, in recent times politics of federalism has acted as a constraint on our foreign policy particularly the neighbourhood policy.
  • The absence of track II in IOR was lamented. It was argued that track I lacks the guidance and inputs of track II and it hampers cooperation among the IOR members.
  • India does not have a written strategic doctrine and this does not instil confidence in the other countries. In the absence of a well-articulated strategic doctrine ulterior motives can be attributed.
  • The issue of Civil-military relations was discussed in detail. It was agreed that contrary to the western writings on CMR, which portray as the situation has reached a dead end; the civil-military relations in India is not actually the problem between the civilian leadership and military establishment, rather it can be described best in terms of higher defence management.
  • It was suggested to the author that an empathetic appreciation of the problems that constrain India’s foreign policy would present a more balanced view of the so called reluctant power. For instance, one of the primary reasons for this reluctance on part of India stems from its historical experience of the NAM days when India’s idea of Asia was not taken forward.
  • On the question of CMR the author would benefit if he explores the reasons for its overarching presence in the system. One reason could be the role it played in the nation-building in the transitional phase of Indian democracy.
  • India’s view of IOR should be dealt with in the paper in order to understand its position on the leadership issue. Moreover, who all support India’s leadership and who not should be listed out.
  • The paper would enrich if it prepares two separate list of problems that India face; one under the heading internal problem and the other external problems.
  • It was brought up during the discussion that multi polarity is the key in the region. In view of this the paper should bring forth India’s role as one of the key players in the region and not hegemon or dominant power.

Report prepared by Amit Kumar, Research Assistant, IDSA

Military Affairs
Coping with a Rising China: An Analysis of the Indian Official Discourse 1996 - 2012 April 25, 2014 Peter Van Der Hoest 1030 to 1300 hrs Fellows' Seminar

Chair: Lt Gen Y M Bammi (Retd)
External Discussants: Lt Gen Y M Bammi (Retd) and Ambassador S K Bhutani
Internal Discussants: Group Captain Naval Jagota and Mr Avinash Godbole

East Asia
International Conference on A Nuclear Weapon-Free World: From Conception to Reality April 02, 2014 to April 03, 2014 Conference

DAY I: Wednesday, April 02, 2014

0900 hrs Registration

1000 – 1045 hrs INAUGURAL SESSION

CHAIR: Shri Shivshankar Menon, NSA.

Welcome Remarks by Dr Arvind Gupta, Director-General, IDSA.

Remarks by Shri Shivshankar Menon, NSA.

Inaugural Address by Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India.

1045 – 1100 hrs Tea Break


CHAIR: Dr Sverre Lodgaard, Senior Research Fellow, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs.

Theme I - Changes in Nuclear Arsenals and Evolution of Nuclear Doctrines

Dr Bruno Tertrais, Senior Research Fellow, Fondation Pour la Recherche Stratégique, France.

Prof Arvind Kumar, Department of Geopolitics and International Relations, Manipal University, India.

Prof Rajesh Rajagopalan, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Theme II - Reconciling the Moral and Security Imperatives

Ambassador Sheel Kant Sharma, Former Indian Ambassador to Austria and Governor on the IAEA Board of Governors.

Dr Rebecca E Johnson, Acronym Institute, UK.

1215 – 1300 hrs Q&A

1300 – 1400 hrs Lunch


CHAIR: Dr WPS Sidhu, Senior Fellow, Brookings India.

Theme I - Addressing Today’s Risks of Proliferation

Dr Patricia Lewis, Research Director for International Security at Chatham House, UK.

Dr Rajiv Nayan, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Defence and Analyses, New Delhi.

Theme II - Tackling the Challenge of Nuclear Terrorism

Dr William C. Potter, Director, James Martin Center for Non-proliferation Studies (CNS), Monterrey, USA.

Prof Rahul Roy-Chaudhury, Senior Fellow for South Asia, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), UK.

Brigadier (Retd) Feroz H. Khan, Lecturer, Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey, USA.

1500 – 1545 hrs Q&A

1545 – 1600 hrs Tea Break


CHAIR: Dr Theresa Hitchens, Director, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Geneva, Switzerland.

Theme I - Deterrence and Stability On The Road To Nuclear Zero

Dr Manpreet Sethi, Senior Fellow, Center for Air Power Studies, New Delhi.

Ambassador Bilahari Kausikan, Ambassador-At-Large for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore.

Theme II - Verification Challenges

Dr James Acton, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, USA.

Dr Arun Vishwanathan, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore.

Dr K L Ramakumar, Director, RC&IG, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, Mumbai.

1715 – 1800 hrs Q&A

(By Invitation)

DAY II: Thursday, April 03, 2014


CHAIR: Ambassador Rakesh Sood, Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation

Theme I - Moving from Bilateral US-Russia Deep Cuts to Multilateralism

Dr Fan Jishe, Research Fellow of Institute of American Studies at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China.

Dr Anton V. Khlopkov, Director, Center for Energy and Security Studies, Moscow.

Theme II - Existing Treaty-based Regimes and Limitations

Prof Ramesh Thakur, Director, Centre for Nuclear Non-Proliferation & Disarmament, ANU, Australia.

Dr Mu Changlin, Senior Research Fellow, China Institute for International Studies, China.

Theme III - New Stakeholders and New Approaches

Mr Akira Kawasaki, Co-Chair of International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).

Dr C Raja Mohan, Distinguished Fellow, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi.

Mr Alyn Ware, Global Coordinator of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND).

1130 – 1230 hrs Q&A

1230 – 1400 hrs Lunch


CHAIR: Dr Arvind Gupta, Director General, IDSA

Reports by Session Chairpersons

Chair I: Dr Sverre Lodgaard
Chair II: Dr WPS Sidhu
Chair III: Dr Theresa Hitchens
Chair IV: Ambassador Rakesh Sood

1445 – 1545 hrs Exchange of Views on Reports and Follow-up. >

1545 – 1600 hrs Tea break

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Nuclear and Arms Control
Visit of Young Parliamentarians from African Countries to IDSA March 13, 2014 Other

Facilitated by the Ministry of External Affairs, a nine member delegation of young parliamentarians from Algeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, South Sudan and Uganda visited the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses on March 13, 2014 for an interaction with Scholars. During the deliberations, following issues were discussed:

Military and Defence related issues

The young parliamentarians were very keen to discuss issues related to defence and military. They were interested in knowing the possibility and nature of co-operation between defence establishments of India and Africa. They were interested in the recruitment practices of Indian Army, the possibility of military co-operation with African countries and co-operation in terms of defence equipment and capacity building. Specifically, they wanted to know that how the Indian Military can help in building African militaries capacity to operate military equipment and about the system of monitoring atrocities committed by Armed personnel; the young parliamentarians wanted to know about possibility of co-operation with Indian defence establishments in terms of restructuring of Armed forces especially in countries going through post-conflict transition. The parliamentarians wanted to know whether women are recruited in the Armed Forces in India.

Deputy-Director General, Brig. Dahiya said that in Indian military, women are present in non-combat roles, although the Central Police Reserve Force has women contingent. Women contingents are also sent as part of United Nations Peace Keeping Force. The DDG pointed out that India and Africa have long standing military co-operation. Indian military has been involved in military training in Lesotho and Botswana. India has established a Military Staff College in Tanzania. Cadets from Ghana, Kenya and Uganda have been coming for training in the Indian Military Academy. There is strong possibility of establishing military training with other countries like South Sudan.

India-Africa Relations

Regarding India-Africa relations Ms. Ruchita Beri, Research Fellow and Centre co-ordinator of ALACUN cluster at IDSA, acknowledged that there were historic ties between India and Africa since Independence. India does not view Africa as a hopeless continent and has co-operated with Africa at both bilateral and African Union level. An important facet about Indian co-operation is that it does not come with any conditionality attached to it. Moreover, India attunes its co-operation to suit African requirements. Indian government has provided financial support to African Union Peacekeeping Mission in Somali and African led International Support Mission in Mali. India has supported African counties in defence training and capacity building. Globally there is a rethinking on the definition of “Security”. At present it encompasses both traditional and non-traditional security concerns. In this context, India may enhance its cooperation with African countries in counter–terrorism, energy security and space technology. Dr. G. Balachandran, Senior Research Fellow at IDSA, said that there were excellent historical as well as people to people relations between Africa but they have not fully capitalized it. The knowledge dissemination about Africa in India is done by third parties rather that African themselves.

IDSA Research

The parliamentarians were interested in knowing IDSA’s research on issues related to terrorism, militia violence and illegal immigration. The Director General of IDSA, Dr. Arvind Gupta while briefing the delegation on the overall role and functioning of IDSA, touched upon these issues. In relation to terrorism, the Director General said that IDSA has an Internal Security Centre and interacts with various stakeholders to understand the issue of terrorism which includes a project with Ministry of Home Affairs. India has struggled with problem related to militias some of which have operated in India with outside support. India also faces problem of illegal migration which occurs due to economic reasons as well as other reasons like natural calamities and trafficking. IDSA with its engagement with law enforcement agencies attempts to understand the root causes of the problem of illegal migration.

Report prepared by Nachiket Khadkiwala, Research Assistant, IDSA.

Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN
Present Situation in Egypt, and Precipitation of events in the Middle East and its spillover effects on South Asia February 28, 2014 1600 hrs Other

Speaker: Amb. Gillane Allam, Ambassador Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs

Eurasia & West Asia
Delhi Dialogue VI: Realizing the ASEAN-India Vision for Partnership and Prosperity March 06, 2014 to March 07, 2014 Conference

Concept Note

India and ASEAN today are in the vortex of change as new strategic and economic trends shape the Asia-Pacific or the Indo-Pacific region. As a period of power transition marked by the rise of China and the economic dynamism of the Asia-Pacific region, it generated its own set of uncertainties and anxieties among countries of the region. This was evident in China’s assertion of territorial claims in the South China Sea and the East China Sea impacting Vietnam, Philippines and Japan respectively. China also asserted territorial claims in Ladakh on the unresolved India-China border. Another concurrent development has been the democratic transition in Myanmar which was heralded by the installation of a ‘civilian government’ in March 2011 and improved relations with the US (following President Obama’s visit in November 2011). It was under such circumstances that the United States under the Obama administration announced its ‘pivot’ or ‘rebalancing’ strategic shift to Asia-Pacific.

There are many potential conflict zones in Asia Pacific as nations have competing claims of sovereignty especially in the South China Sea besides internal fissures in many countries which threaten the peace. To keep abreast of the many challenges confronting the region, and to retain its centrality, ASEAN has set for itself the target of achieving an ASEAN Community (Political, Economic, and Socio-Cultural) by 2015. In the face of fundamental changes that are being effected in the political, economic and strategic domains, the challenge before ASEAN today is to shape the future or be shaped by it.

As the pace of change in the region gathered momentum, India’s Look-East policy that was initiated in 1991 has led to the maturing of relations with our eastern neighborhood. This yielded good results in political and economic terms. India’s dramatic economic liberalization in 1991 established the framework for enhanced India-ASEAN trade which has grown exponentially: it is now almost $80 billion. About 12 per cent of India’s exports and 9 per cent of India’s imports was on account of trade with ASEAN during 2011-12. The Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) between India and ASEAN (October 2003) followed by the Trade in Goods Agreement (TIG) (signed in August 2009) between the two have created an enabling environment for the smooth development of multilateral as well as bilateral economic cooperation. With the TIG coming into force (2010), and the subsequent passing of the free trade agreement (FTA) on services and investments (December 2012) the India-ASEAN relationship is slated to grow faster than with rest of the world, due to factors such as a favourable demographic profile and growing market for goods and services. Thus, the Look East Policy, which has in its ambit a wide geographical expanse with a track record of over two decades, has proved to be mutually beneficial.

The Look East Policy itself is undergoing a transition. The over two decades’ experience of implementing the Look East policy has imparted valuable lessons along the way. There is a felt need for greater involvement of India’s Northeast in India’s Look East Policy. As the Indian Ocean issues gain prominence, greater dialogue on Indian Ocean is called for, in addition to greater focus on India’s Andaman and Nicobar islands. India’s common cultural ties with CLMV could profitably be grounded in contemporary concerns including the river systems, mountain ranges, agrarian patterns etc.

Given the context, disseminating information about India-ASEAN relationship becomes critical, and Delhi Dialogue has been actively working on that front for the past five years. Delhi Dialogue is a confluence of policy makers, corporate leaders and academia, which provides an opportunity to deliberate upon India’s Look East Policy in general and India’s relations with ASEAN and its member countries in particular. Established as a second-track dialogue, the conference was inaugurated in January 2009 by the current President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee, who was then the Minister for External Affairs. Delhi Dialogue has been supported by India’s Ministry of External Affairs, and FICCI amongst other institutions from India and the Southeast Asian region. So far, five annual conferences have been held, involving leaders from India and the ASEAN region, diplomatic community, think tanks and members from academia at large. The Sixth Delhi Dialogue is scheduled to be held in March 2014 and is being proudly organized by India’s premier think tank, IDSA.

Five editions of Delhi Dialogue have taken place so far. The themes covered in the past have included energy security; economic cooperation (including FTA); connectivity; India-ASEAN Roadmap in the new millennium; Nalanda University; non traditional security issues; evolving security architecture (ADMM Plus and EAS Process); networks of knowledge and science; CLMV countries and Northeast India. The ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit 2012 in New Delhi led to the adoption of the Vision Statement. This document charts out the future direction of ASEAN-India relations and significantly, elevates the ASEAN-India relationship to a strategic partnership. With this forming an important backdrop, the Delhi Dialogue VI provides a suitable opportunity to carry forward the ideas set forth in the Vision Statement besides the report of the ASEAN-India Eminent Persons Group.


Date / Time Session

March 6, 2014

[Only by Invitation - Please Attend if Invitation Card Received]
1630-1700 hrs Registration
Venue: Pre-function area, Ballroom, The Oberoi, New Delhi
1700-1900 hrs Inaugural Session
Venue: Ballroom, The Oberoi, New Delhi
1700-1705 hrs Welcome Remarks
Mr. Sidharth Birla
President FICCI & Chairman, XPRO India Ltd.
  Keynote Addresses
1705-1718 hrs HE Mr. Salman Khurshid
External Affairs Minister of India
1719-1726 hrs HE U Wunna Maung Lwin
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Myanmar
1727-1734 hrs HE Mr. Thongloun Sisoulith
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lao PDR
1735-1742 hrs HE Mr. Le Luong Minh
Secretary General of ASEAN, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta
1743-1750 hrs Representative from Brunei Darussalam
1751-1758 hrs HE Dr. Sok Siphana
Advisor to the Royal Government of Cambodia
1759-1806 hrs Representative from Indonesia
1807-1814 hrs HE Dato' Hamzah Zainudin
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia
1815-1822 hrs HE Ms. Laura Del Rosario
Undersecretary (Deputy Minister) for International Economic Relations, The Philippines
1823-1830 hrs HE Mr. Vanu Gopala Menon
Deputy Secretary (Southeast Asia and ASEAN), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore
1831-1838 hrs HE Mr. Manasvi Srisodapol
Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand
1839-1846 hrs HE Mr. Pham Quang Vinh
Deputy Foreign Minister, Vietnam
1847-1852 hrs Book Release of DDV by
Mr. Salman Khurshid
External Affairs Minister of India
& Amb. R.K. Bhatia
Director General, ICWA
1853-1900 hrs Vote of Thanks
Dr. Arvind Gupta
Director General, IDSA

March 7, 2014

Venue: Auditorium, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA)

  [Open to all]
1000-1020 hrs Keynote Speaker:      
HE Mr. Anand Sharma
Minister of Commerce & Industry, Government of India
1020-1030 hrs Tea/ Coffee Break
1030-1215 hrs Session 1: Translating the 'Vision Statement'
The ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit 'Vision Statement' and Ways to Implement it
Moderator: Mr. Anil Wadhwa, Secretary (East), Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India
Special Address: Mr. Le Luong Minh, ASEAN Secretary General
  • Amb. Sanjay Singh, former Secretary (East), MEA, GOI
  • Mr. K.N. Vaidyanathan, Chief Risk Officer, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
  • Mr. Madhu Kannan, Group Head-Business Development, Tata Sons Limited, India       
  • Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan, Head of Institute for Foreign Policies and Strategic Studies, Diplomatic Academy of Viet Nam
  • Dr. Wilfrido V. Villacorta, Professor Emeritus, De La Salle University, Manila
  • Prof. Dr. K.S. Nathan, Principle Fellow Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA), Universiti Kebansaan Malaysia (UKM)
1215-1400 hrs Session 2: Role of North East India in India's Look-East Policy
Growing Significance of India's Northeast in the New Phase of India's Look East Policy
Moderator: Amb. Shyam Saran, Chairman RIS, AIC & National Security Advisory Board
Special Address: HE Mr Tarun Gogoi, Chief Minister of Assam
Special Update:  Dr. Hidetoshi Nishimura, Executive Director of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
  • Mr. M.P. Bezbaruah, IAS (Retd) Member, North Eastern Council
  • U Than Tun, Member, Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies (MISIS), Myanmar
  • Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Senior Fellow, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi  
  • Prof. Charit Tingsabadh, Centre for European Studies,     Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Mr. Ranjit Barthakur, Chairman FICCI North East Advisory Council & Chairman Globally Managed Services
1400-1500 hrs Lunch
Venue: IDSA Lawns
1500-1645 hrs Session 3: Regional Architecture in Asia Pacific: Roles of India and ASEAN
Prospects for the Evolving Economic Architecture and the Strategic Architecture and Emerging Concepts like “Indo-Pacific”
Moderator: Amb. Gopinath Pillai, Chairman, Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS), Singapore
  • Dr. Chitriya Pinthong, Vice-President for International Affairs, Rangsit University, Thailand
  • Prof. S.D. Muni, Distinguished Fellow, IDSA, New Delhi
  • Amb. Laura Q. Del Rosario, Undersecretary for International Economic Relations, The Philippines
  • Vice Admiral (Retd.) P.S. Das, Ex-Member of IDSA Executive Council
  • Dr. Vo Xuan Vinh, Head of International Politics and International Relations Department, Institute for South East Asia Studies, Viet Nam Academy of Social Sciences 
  • Tan Sri Rastam Mohd. Isa, Chief Executive, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS), Malaysia
1645-1830 hrs Session 4: Delhi Dialogue: The Way Forward
Suggest Ways to Proceed With The Dialogue in the Future.
Moderator: Dr. Arvind Gupta, Director General, IDSA
  • Dato Haji Erywan Bin Pehin Yusof, Permanent Secretary, Brunei Darussalam  
  • Amb. N. Ravi, former Secretary (East), MEA, GOI
  • Mr. R. Ravindran, Chairman, SAEA Group Research, Singapore  
  • Amb. R.K. Bhatia, Director General, Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA)
  • Prof. Tan Tai Yong, Director, ISAS, Singapore
  • Dr. Prabir De, Senior Fellow, Research & Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) & Coordinator, ASEAN-India Centre, New Delhi

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South East Asia and Oceania
How has the Army Adapted to Change in Counterinsurgency Operations February 27, 2014 1430-1700 hrs Round Table

The army has been involved in counterinsurgency (CI) operations for almost six decades both within the country and in Sri Lanka. The causes of these uprisings are well known, as is the evolution of CI movements. However, as a key constituent of the government’s CI strategy, a study of the army’s ability to adapt to change deserves greater focus.

Change has been evident, however slow, in the pattern of India’s socioeconomic evolution. The country has also witnessed political empowerment, giving both voice and visibility to demands, thereby influencing the manner in which the country is governed. There is greater transparency in every facet of public life. The media on its part has further ensured greater accountability from government functionaries. The nature of threats, both internal and external have evolved, though with the Pakistan factor remaining a challenge and a key determinant for resolving existing issues in Jammu and Kashmir.

While each of these factors can be assessed in isolation, yet their impact on the conduct of CI operations by the army has been perceptible. These changes have taken place in the backdrop of over six decades of the army’s involvement in CI operations. Needless to say, some of the fac-tors enumerated, have influenced the manner in which the army deals with the challenge of CI op-erations. It has led to adaptation to change, either as a result of extraneous influences and at times because of internal evolutionary mechanisms.

Change takes place at a number of levels and depending upon its nature and pace, it can be both revolutionary and evolutionary. However, a test case of successful change is the ability to transform the manner in which assigned objectives are achieved. In a more conventional sense, it could be achieved by adapting designated goals, strategy or organisational structure. However, giv-en the nature of operations in a CI environment, operational level adaptation can also be instrumen-tal in bringing about major change.

With this as the backdrop, a roundtable discussion is being organised at IDSA on Feb 27, 2014, from 1430 to 1700 hours on how has the army adapted to change in CI operations. The proposed format of the discussion entails a brief introduction to the subject, which will be followed by a short presentation by nominated lead speakers amongst the invitees, on specific issues per-taining to the subject. After each presentation, the floor will be opened to the audience to invite comments and questions. The format has been adopted to ensure focused and deliberate discus-sion on specific areas. A brief summary of subjects that will be taken up for discussion and lead speakers for each are as follows:

  • The Indian Army has been employed in CI operations in the Northeast, Sri Lanka, Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir. Did these operations witness a clear goal for the army? Can such a goal be assigned given the protracted nature of operations? Were there cases of shifting of goals, due to strategic over reach or changing conditions? How did this impact the conduct of successful oper-ations? Maj Gen Umong Sethi (Retd)
  • Over a period of time the army has evolved its distinct method of fighting in CI operations. Has there been any major change in the strategy adopted by the army at the doctrinal level? If yes, what have been the drivers for this shift? How successful has been this adaptation to change? With specific reference to J&K, how has the army adapted to the external threat from Pakistan in addition to the internal threats of more conventional CI operations in the state. How does this ad-justment take place vis-a-vis other CI areas, which have a negligible external threat. Maj Gen Dipankar Banerjee (Retd)
  • The army units have been involved in making local organisational changes at the unit level to adapt to CI operations. This includes creating an additional company from within the resources of Support and HQ Company. In addition to the experiment of ‘I’ Battalions in the Northeast, the Rashtriya Rifles concept has been the most prominent change in CI operations. Did the army adapt adequately in terms of organisational changes, given its employment in CI operations since the fifties? Has organisational change at the headquarter level also been accompanied by a man-power policy, which ensures posting specialists to appointments that deal with issues like infor-mation warfare, psychological warfare and cyber warfare? Did training for CI operations and specialist staff appointments create adequate capacities and in the right time frame? Maj Gen Umong Sethi (Retd)
  • There have been distinct changes in the army’s operational conduct of CI operations over the years. What were the major changes witnessed in this regard? What was the reason for these changes to take place? How much of the change was forced by external factors? Did some in-ternal thought process lead to major changes? Have the changes merely been incremental, with limited ability to think out of the box? Maj Gen Dhruv Katoch (Retd)
  • Does the army have a distinct strategic culture in relation to CI operations? How has the strategic culture of the army impacted its ability to adapt to change, as seen in the context of CI opera-tions? Has it been a limiting or supporting factor in the successful conduct of operations? Brig Rahul Bhonsle (Retd)
  • Do civil-military relations have an impact on CI operations? If yes, what has been its impact on the process of change, its pace and quality? Dr Manoj Joshi
  • India has witnessed coalition governments in the recent past. There has also been a trend of re-gional parties having serious differences on the CI policy. What has been the impact of a domes-tic politics on the conduct of CI operations and adapting to the changing environment? Maj Gen Dhruv Katoch(Retd)
  • How well has the army employed technology to adapt to changing threats and emerging chal-lenges? Has the adoption of technology been ahead or behind the curve? Has the army played catchup with terrorists or incorporated technology proactively. Brig Rahul Bhonsle (Retd)
Military Affairs
International Seminar on Kautilya April 09, 2014 Conference


0900- 0930 Registration and tea

0930- 1000 Inaugural Session

Welcome Remarks by Dr Arvind Gupta, Director General (DG) IDSA
Keynote Address by Shri Shivshankar Menon, National Security Adviser

1000-1130 Session I- Revisiting Issues from Text

Chair: K. Srinivasan
Presenters: (1 and 2 via Skype)

  1. Prof Patrick Olivelle:
    (a) “What are the issues of Ecology and the Management of Natural Resources in Kautilya's Arthaśāstra?”
    b) The concept of "outwitting" (atisaṃdhāna): the heart of Kauṭilyan strategy and diplomacy”
    Professor of Sanskrit and Indian Religions and the Jacob and Frances Sanger Mossiker Chair in the Humanities at the University of Texas at Austin, USA. [Watch Video]
  2. Dr Mark McClish, "Strategic Partnerships in Kauṭilyan Foreign Policy”, Assistant Professor of Religion, Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Alabama , USA [Watch Video]
  3. Mr Michael Liebig, “The Kautilya-Arthashastra and Core Concepts of Intelligence Analysis”, doctoral candidate , Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany [Watch Video]

1130-1145 Tea

1145-1315 Session II Issues of Culture, Leadership and Strategy

Chair: A.N.D. Haksar

  1. Prof Rashed- Uz- Zaman, “What is the understanding of strategic culture when seen from the perspective of South Asian subcontinent? Is there any evidence of the Arthasastra in political behaviour?”, Dept of IR Dhaka University, Bangladesh [Watch Video]
  2. Dr Shubhada Joshi, “Enlightened leadership – The concept of RAJARISHI from Arthashastra”, Director General - Chanakya Institute of Public leadership (CIPL) Professor & Head, Dept of Philosophy, University of Mumbai [Watch Video]
  3. Dr Radhakrishnan Pillai, “Application of Chanakya’s Saptanga model in modern warfare strategy”, Director, CIPL, Dept of Philosophy, University of Mumbai [Watch Video]

1315-1415 Lunch

1415-1545 Session III- Issues of Negotiations and Interpretation

Chair: Kalyan Raman
Presenters (4 to be read out):

  1. Dr Medha Bisht, “Bargaining and Negotiation Analysis: Lessons from Arthashastra”, Associate Professor, South Asian University, New Delhi [Watch Video]
  2. Dr Jayashree Vivekanandan, 'Does Indian IR have a History? Seeking Answers in the Arthashastra', Associate Professor, South Asian University, New Delhi [Watch Video]
  3. Col PK Gautam(Retd), “Composition of the Army- Then and Now”, Research Fellow, IDSA [Watch Video]
  4. Dr Balbir Singh Sihag, “Kautilya on Far-sight, Foresight and Freedom”, Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Massachusetts, USA (to be read by Saurabh Mishra)

1545-1640 Session IV – Future Studies and Next Steps

Chair: Dr Arvind Gupta, DG, IDSA
Input and Suggestions for further research in Open House Discussion

1640- 1645 Vote of Thanks by P.K. Gautam, Research Fellow, IDSA, Convener

1645 -1700 Tea

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Military Affairs
ASEAN and Conflict management in the South China Sea (SCS) February 07, 2014 Munmun Majumdar 1030 to 1300 hrs Fellows' Seminar

Chair: Professor Baladas Ghoshal
External Discussants: Dr Vijay Sakhuja and Professor Ganganath Jha
Internal Discussants: Cdr S S Parmar and Ms M S Pratibha

East Asia

