North America & Strategic Technologies
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  • About Centre

    The Centre focuses on issues related to strategic technologies that have a potential impact on national security. Its main focus is on critical technologies and space technologies. The Centre is engaged in tracking and trend analysis of issues related to Space Security and Cyber Security. The other mandate of the Centre is to undertake research on Biological and Chemical Weapons with a focus on studying the dangers of proliferation and terrorism. The Centre is responsible for the publication of the CBW Magazine – a bi-annual magazine which covers a wide range of issues related to Chemical and Biological Weapons.


    Quantum Technologies and Military Strategy

    • Publisher: Springer
    This book is about the strategic relevance of quantum technologies. It debates the military-specific aspects of this technology. Various chapters of this book cohere around two specific themes. The first theme discusses the global pattern of ongoing civilian and military research on quantum computers, quantum cryptography, quantum communications and quantum internet. The second theme explicitly identifies the relevance of these technologies in the military domain and the possible nature of quantum technology-based weapons. This thread further debates on quantum (arms) race at a global level in general, and in the context of the USA and China, in particular. The book argues that the defence utility of these technologies is increasingly becoming obvious and is likely to change the nature of warfare in the future.
    • ISBN: 978-3-030-72720-8 ,
    • Price: EUR 89.99

    Leveraging Cyber Power: A Study of the Approaches and Responses of the Major Powers

    The monograph looks at how major powers have tried to pursue three objectives in cyberspace, viz. (1) strengthening or enhancing national cyber defences, and (2) striving to shape the international cyber environment by leveraging economic and technological capabilities, and (3) through defining and evangelising international cyber norms. A section on the cybersecurity preparedness of the countries of the South Asian region is incorporated to highlight those vulnerabilities and deficient capacities and capabilities that give the major powers a foothold to pursue their objectives.


    Institutions That Shaped Modern India: ISRO

    • Publisher: Rupa
    An introduction to ISRO, the organization that took India to space.

    The end of colonial rule was an important milestone worth celebrating, but what lay ahead was a long journey towards the making of modern India. The narrative of ‘modern India’ would be incomplete without the stories of institutions that helped shape India as we know it today.

    This volume, part of a series on Institutions that Shaped Modern India, offers an in-depth introduction to one such institution—the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). It tells the story of ISRO from its inception to present times. Capturing its history and its evolution, dotted with several achievements and some setbacks,  and offering deep insights into ISRO’s key projects—past, present and future—the book  is an ode to an institution that has been at the steering wheel of India’s journey into space and has played a seminal role in nation-building.

    • ISBN: 978-93-90356-56-0,
    • Price: ₹. 395/-

    Navigating the Indian Cyberspace Maze: Guide for Policymakers

    • Publisher: KW Publishers
    Cyberspace has turned out to be one of the greatest discoveries of mankind. Today, we have more than four and a half billion people connected to the internet and this number is all set to increase dramatically as the next generational Internet of Things (IoT) devices and 5G technology gets fully rolled out.

    India has been at the forefront of this amazing digital revolution and is a major stakeholder in the global cyberspace eco system. As the world embarks on embracing internet 2.0 characterised by 5G high speed wireless interconnect, generation of vast quantities of data and domination of transformational technologies of Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain and Big Data, India has been presented with a unique opportunity to leapfrog from a developing country to a developed knowledge based nation in a matter of years and not decades.

    This book presents an exciting and fascinating journey into the world of cyberspace with focus on the impactful technologies of AI, block chain and Big Data analysis coupled with an appraisal of the India cyberspace eco system. It has been written especially for a policy maker in order to provide a helicopter overview of the cyberspace domain in adequate detail in simple and understandable language.

    • ISBN: 978-93-89137-47-7 ,
    • Price: ₹.1280/-
    • E-copy available

    The Road to 5G: Technology, Politics And Beyond

    Monograph No. 65

    This monograph examines the key technologies behind 5G, the requirements of infrastructure and spectrum, and the emerging landscape with the rise of Chinese telecommunication equipment manufactures. It delves into China’s rise as a key technology provider in the telecommunications sector, and a prime contributor to standards development.


    US Presidential Elections and the ‘Natural-Born Citizen’ Requirement

    The ‘natural-born citizen’ clause is an anomaly in a nation that prides itself as a nation of immigrants.

    May 31, 2024

    Indo-US Defence Industrial Cooperation: Reaching for the Next Level or a Bridge Too Far?

    Successful implementation of the Reciprocal Defense Procurement Agreement (RDPA) will require a deep understanding of the nuances and requirements of both the US and Indian defence procurement systems.

    May 17, 2024

    The Protection of Private Data in Japan under Duress

    Two recent cases involving internal and external data breaches in leading telecom companies shine a spotlight on Japan’s policy for the protection of private user data.

    April 08, 2024

    Bridging Gaps in Cybersecurity with Cyber Insurance

    Cyber insurance may emerge as a critical element in ensuring cybersecurity preparedness.

    March 21, 2024

    First Person View (FPV) Drones: When Quantity Equals Quality

    First Person View (FPV) drones, combined with artificial intelligence (AI), are the next evolution in warfare as they offer a cheaper and scalable alternative to precision weapons.

    February 27, 2024

