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  • 75 Years Later, Are Lessons From the Bari Incident Still Relevant?

    While planning and executing kinetic operations, it is essential to look at various facets of force application including the possibilities of accidents or surprise attacks by the adversary.

    November 08, 2018

    Nepal-China Transit Agreement: An Evaluation

    Nepal’s quest for an alternate transit country with a view to reducing its dependence on India succeeded with the finalisation of the text for the Protocol of Transit Transport Agreement with China on September 7, 2018.

    September 27, 2018

    The 2018 Maldivian Presidential Elections: Two-horse Race between Development and Reforms

    The forthcoming presidential election is a contest between Yameen’s pledge to bring about a transformational change with mega-projects and Solih’s pledge to end presidential tyranny, injustice and corruption

    September 17, 2018

    Land Ahoy! Debarment Systems in Ministry of Defence start Coming of Age

    It is administratively easy and politically appealing to debar an errant entity, but the unintended consequences of debarment can be challenging to handle in high-technology areas such as defence

    September 11, 2018

    Examining the Feasibility and Affordability of Raising the Share of Defence Expenditure to Three Percent of GDP

    The Brief argues that MoD’s total allocations should be considered for any discussion on defence expenditure since the official defence expenditure does not capture all the expenses that the government incurs on national defence efforts.

    August 20, 2018

    India and the UAE: Progress towards ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership'

    The way forward for New Delhi is to seize the momentum and develop a strategic partnership with the UAE to safeguard its core national interests while avoiding regional entanglements.

    July 05, 2018

    Challenges in Implementing JCPOA after the US Withdrawal

    While Iran and its European interlocutors (along with Russia and China) can be expected to mount a tough challenge to continue to make the JCPOA work in the light of Trump’s May 8 decision to ‘withdraw’ from the agreement, it remains to be seen to what extent they can succeed.

    May 17, 2018

    South Asian ‘Zombie’: The futility of reviving SAARC

    Given the structural fragility of SAARC and its inability to promote South Asian regional integration, an attempt to reboot the organisation would be futile.

    May 01, 2018

    Implications of CAATSA for India’s Defence Relations with Russia and America

    While the provisions of the Countering America’s Adversaries through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) are unlikely to be imposed on India anytime soon, it is nonetheless likely to prove a dampener on an otherwise booming defence relationship between India and the United States.

    April 26, 2018

    Will Great-Power Conflict Return?

    Geopolitical competition between the great powers with or without direct conflict will lead to a situation where productive cooperation among them on critical international issues is likely to prove difficult.

    April 06, 2018

