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  • The Process of Virtual Social Media Warfare and the Mechanism of Divergence from the Truth

    Disinformation, a longstanding weapon in warfare, skilfully employs technological tools to deceive adversaries and secure strategic advantages. In today’s digital age, social media wields unprecedented power, overshadowing traditional media in access and technology, consequently fuelling the alarming surge in disinformation. The personalization of media content perpetuates echo chambers, stifling exposure to diverse perspectives.

    September-October 2023

    Krishan Puri asked: What are the contours of a technological road map to ensure coastal security?

    Manoranjan Srivastava replies: Technological advancements in surveillance mechanisms have the potential to make coastal security more robust. In India, the technological solutions have been efficiently utilized and integrated to enhance effectiveness of coastal security.

    Keshav Bhatter asked: What is the role and relevance of BIMSTEC in the context of the Indo-Pacific Region?

    Temjenmeren Ao replies: There is a visible shift in political, economic and military power from the Trans-Atlantic to the Indo-Pacific region. The Indo-Pacific region includes countries that are geographically big and small, continental powers, island nations which have varying degree of economic development, political structures, military capabilities and threat perceptions.

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    The Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA) ( is India's premier strategic and security studies think tank with a well-qualified, multi-disciplinary research faculty, drawn from academia, the armed forces and the civil services.

    Monday Morning Meeting on ‘Sheikh Hasina’s Visit to India and India-Bangladesh Relations’ Organised

    July 01, 2024

    Associate Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Anand Kumar spoke on ‘Sheikh Hasina’s Visit to India and India-Bangladesh Relations’ at the Monday Morning Meeting on 1 July 2024.

    Research Fellow, Dr Om Prakash Das moderated the meeting. Director General, Amb Sujan R. Chinoy and MP-IDSA scholars participated in the discussion

    Nihar Kulkarni asked: Do India-Japan cooperate in joint projects in countries such as Bangladesh, Myanmar or Sri Lanka?

    Arnab Dasgupta replies: Yes, they do. Bangladesh is currently the fulcrum of India-Japan cooperation in third countries. This cooperation was given a fillip by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s declaration of a ‘Bay of Bengal-Northeast India industrial value chain concept’ during his speech on a new Indo-Pacific strategy in March 2023.

    Vineet R asked: Does India need/have dedicated Close Air Support (CAS) platforms such as the A-10 Warthog or Su-25?

    Kishore Kumar Khera replies: Close Air Support (CAS) is one of the important facets of combat air operations in which air support is provided to surface combatants in close combat. With greater battlespace transparency and enhanced range and accuracy of surface and air-delivered munitions, the surface combat sphere has expanded. This has resulted in a larger distance between opposing surface combatants as a rule. Consequently, there is a lower need for classic close air support missions.

    Counsellor of Embassy of the State of Palestine Dr Abed Elrazeg Abu Jazer Calles on Amb Sujan R. Chinoy

    July 01, 2024

    Dr Abed Elrazeg Abu Jazer, Counsellor (Counsellor Political and Media), Embassy of the State of Palestine, called on Director General, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Amb Sujan R. Chinoy on 01 July 2024, for an exchange of views.

    Neighbourly nudge: India-Bangladesh ties in Modi 3.0

    June 30, 2024

    Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Nihar R. Nayak’s article ‘Neighbourly nudge: India-Bangladesh ties in Modi 3.0’ has been published by India News Network on 30 June 2024.

    Bangladesh holds a key position in India’s neighbourhood policy, given the deep historical, linguistic, cultural, political, and economic linkages between the two countries, says Dr Nayak.

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