Rajeesh Kumar

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  • Dr Rajeesh Kumar is Research Fellow at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. Click here for detailed profile.

    Indian and Chinese Approaches to United Nations Peacekeeping in Africa

    This monograph delves into Indian and Chinese approaches to UN peacekeeping in Africa, offering insights into how these rising powers interact with African nations. It analyzes their motivations and guiding principles in peacekeeping on the continent, comparing their approaches and highlighting differences in scope and impact.


    Can the Security Council Help Bring Peace to Gaza?

    Resolution 2728, adopted by the United Nations Security Council on 25 March 2024 carries political implications beyond its text, particularly due to the US decision to abstain.

    March 28, 2024

    MONUSCO's Early Withdrawal and the Future of UN Peacekeeping in Africa

    The UN should shift towards more traditional and narrowly focused peacekeeping missions and maintain a clearer and more distinct role as a neutral mediator in conflicts.

    January 02, 2024

    BRICS: 15th Summit and Beyond

    The 15th BRICS Summit showcased the organisation’s resilience, adaptability and collective vision, and positioned the group as a potent global player.

    August 28, 2023

    Multilateralism Matters: Adoption of the Treaty of the High Seas and its Significance

    The adoption of the Treaty of the High Seas by the United Nations represents a significant triumph for multilateralism.

    July 04, 2023

    Explained | Multilateral reforms as a priority in the G-20

    March 06, 2023

    Associate Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Rajeesh Kumar’s article ‘Explained | Multilateral reforms as a priority in the G-20’ has been published in ‘The Hindu’ on 06 March 2023.

    The article analyses should multilateralism be given importance in today’s global order? How can the G-20 help in multilateral reform? Can multiple minilateral groupings become an alternative mode of multilateral cooperation? Why would global powers be averse to the idea of reform in multilateral institutions?

    G20 and Inclusive Green Growth: Can India Take It Forward?

    October 31, 2022

    Associate Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Rajeesh Kumar’s article ‘G20 and Inclusive Green Growth: Can India Take It Forward?’ has been published in the India Foundation Journal, on 31 October 2022.

    India’s G20 presidency comes at a critical stage in world affairs, where deep-rooted fault lines emerge, and transformative solutions are needed, says Dr Kumar.

    Read Complete Article [+]

    India in the United Nations Security Council

    India’s voting pattern at the United Nations Security Council shows that it is proactive and positive towards the UNSC agenda.

    October 03, 2022

    Technology and Peacekeeping: Can India Become a Technology-Contributing Country

    In August 2021, under India’s presidency, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted a statement recognising the importance of technology in peacekeeping. At the high-level Security Council open debate on ‘technology and peacekeeping’, India’s External Affairs Minister Dr S. Jaishankar stated that ‘21st-century peacekeeping must be anchored in a strong ecosystem of technology and innovation’.1 In the meeting, UN Secretary-General António Guterres outlined the elements of a digital transformation strategy for peacekeeping.

    July-September 2022

