Nihar R. Nayak

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  • Nihar R Nayak is Research Fellow at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. Click here for detailed profile.

    Neighbourly nudge: India-Bangladesh ties in Modi 3.0

    June 30, 2024

    Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Nihar R. Nayak’s article ‘Neighbourly nudge: India-Bangladesh ties in Modi 3.0’ has been published by India News Network on 30 June 2024.

    Bangladesh holds a key position in India’s neighbourhood policy, given the deep historical, linguistic, cultural, political, and economic linkages between the two countries, says Dr Nayak.

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    India-Bhutan relations: A Partnership Marked with Deep Trust and Mutual Understanding

    March 16, 2024

    Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Nihar R Nayak’s article ‘India-Bhutan relations: A partnership marked with deep trust and mutual understanding’ has been published in India Vs Disinformation on 16 March 2024.

    Despite various asymmetries, India and Bhutan acknowledge their dependence on each other and view each other as equal development partners in their efforts towards economic growth, the consolidation of democracy, and regional peace, says Dr Nayak.

    India’s Cultural Diplomacy: Buddhism and Ancient Ties

    March 11, 2024

    Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Nihar Ranjan Nayak’s article ‘India’s cultural diplomacy: Buddhism and ancient ties’ has been published in India Vs Disinformation on 11 March 2024.

    With India’s diplomatic outreach centered on principles such as global peace, non-violence, and tolerance, New Delhi views Buddhism as a crucial factor in strengthening ties with Southeast Asian nations like Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, says Dr Nayak.

    Energy and Development: Assessing the Viability of Hydroelectricity Trade in the Himalayas

    The Himalayan region is renowned as a powerhouse of Asia. Despite its abundant natural resources, youthful population, and strategic location between two rapidly developing Asian economies, the social and economic conditions in the Himalayan region, particularly in Nepal and Bhutan, have remained consistently underdeveloped. Various factors contribute to this, including climate change-induced disasters, political instability, strained bilateral relations between lower and upper riparian countries, and inadequate resource management.

    May-June 2023

    Sri Lanka: Warning for other SAARC Countries

    July 17, 2022

    Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Nihar R. Nayak’s article ‘Sri Lanka: Warning for other SAARC countries’ was published in ‘The Annapurna Express’ on 17 July 2022.

    The July 09 anti-corruption protest has pushed Sri Lanka into political instability and uncertainty, which would aggravate the ongoing economic crisis, says Dr Nayak.

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    China’s new troubles in Nepal

    June 12, 2022

    Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr. Nihar R. Nayak’s article ‘China’s new troubles in Nepal’ has been published in ‘The Annarpuran Express’, Kathmandu, on 12 June 2022.

    Nepali PM’s Historic India Visit

    April 10, 2022

    Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Nihar R. Nayak’s article ‘Nepali PM’s historic India visit’ has been published in the Nepali English daily ‘The Annapurna Express’ on 10 April 2022.

    IPCC report paints bleak picture of the Himalayas

    March 20, 2022

    Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Nihar R. Nayak’s article ‘IPCC report paints bleak picture of the Himalayas’ has been published in the Nepalese daily ‘The Annapurna Express’ on 20 Mach 2022.

    Climate change risks are imminent in the Himalayan region. Both individual states and HKH member countries as a whole have failed to adapt. Except for China and India, other countries that share topography with the Himalayas, struggle to implement resilient and adaptation programs due to insufficient funds and technology, says Dr Nayak.

    Can Nepal be a Reliable Energy Provider?

    March 05, 2022

    Research Fellow Dr. Nihar R. Nayak’s article ‘Can Nepal be a reliable energy provider?’ has been published in ‘The Annarnapurna Express’, Kathmandu, on 05 March 2022.

    Despite its potential of over 40,000MW electricity, Nepal’s energy dependence on other countries has not ended. Although there have been certain improvements in energy production, Nepal needs to devise new energy policies to address existing challenges and to project itself as a reliable and sustainable energy supplier in South Asia, says Dr Nayak.

    Political Changes in Nepal and Bhutan: Emerging Trends in Foreign Policy in Post 2008 Period

    The two Himalayan states—Nepal and Bhutan—adopted a new political system in 2008. Nepal upgraded the existing multiparty system by excluding the monarchy. Therefore, Nepal had Constituent Assembly elections in May 2008.


