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  • Strategic Rebalancing: China and Us Engagement with South Asia

    • Publisher: Pentagon Press
    The relationship between China, the US, and South Asia holds significant implications for global politics and security dynamics due to several reasons. South Asia is strategically located at the crossroads of major global trade routes, making it crucial for regional stability and economic prosperity. Its geopolitical significance is further amplified by its proximity to the Indian Ocean, a vital maritime corridor for global commerce. As such, any developments in South Asia have far-reaching consequences for international trade and security.

    China’s rapid economic ascent and expanding influence in South Asia has altered the traditional power dynamics in the region. With its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China has invested heavily in infrastructure projects across South Asia, enhancing connectivity and economic ties. This has enabled China to assert itself as a major player in the region, challenging the influence traditionally held by the US and other Western powers.

    This book delves into the intricate relationship between China`s rise and US engagement with South Asia, addressing several key questions. First, it explores how China`s rise as a major power has influenced US involvement in South Asia. Additionally, it investigates the significance of South Asia in the broader strategic calculations of the US. Finally, it examines how evolving geopolitical dynamics shape American strategies in the region.

    This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the intricate relationship between the US, China, and South Asia, offering insights into the geopolitical shifts and strategic considerations that have shaped the region`s dynamics.

    • ISBN: 9788197198618 ,
    • Price: ₹ 1295/-

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