Opangmeren Jamir

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  • Dr Opangmeren Jamir is Associate Fellow at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses Click here for profile

    China’s Economic Growth and ‘New Quality Productive Forces'

    China is seeking to drive ‘green’ and sustainable economic growth through high technology manufacturing and R&D investments.

    August 01, 2024

    Securing biodiversity by curbing militarisation in the Himalayas

    May 29, 2024

    Associate Fellow, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Opangmeren Jamir’s opinion piece ‘Securing biodiversity by curbing militarisation in the Himalayas’ has been published in Dialogue Earth on 29 May 2024.

    Militarisation and unresolved border disputes in the Himalayas threaten biodiversity, disrupt communities and accelerate environmental degradation, says Dr Jamir.

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    China–United States Science and Technology Agreement at the Crossroads

    The Biden administration’s decision to temporarily extend the 1979 Science and Technology Agreement (STA) with China by six months in August 2023 came against the backdrop of apprehensions over Chinese technology theft.

    March 08, 2024

    The United States and UNESCO: A Contentious History

    It remains to be seen if the UNESCO will become another platform for US–China contentions or realise the lofty goals as enshrined in its constitution.

    September 15, 2023

    China’s Push for Science and Technology Collaboration with BRI Countries

    China is aiming to make science and technology (S&T) cooperation a significant component of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

    June 13, 2023

    Etalin decision a chance to reduce harm of dams in Arunachal

    March 10, 2023

    Research Analyst, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Opangmeren Jamir’s article ‘Etalin decision a chance to reduce harm of dams in Arunachal’, has been published in ‘The Third Pole’, on 10 March, 2023.
    As a number of big dams move forward in Arunachal Pradesh, the Forest Advisory Committee’s refusal to approve the Etalin hydropower project should encourage better consideration of national and state commitments to protect biodiversity, says Dr Jamir.

    Re-Energising Science Diplomacy in South Asia

    Science diplomacy can be used effectively to address critical challenges facing the South Asian region.

    January 31, 2023

    Belt and Road Initiative and Environmental Challenges

    Several Belt and Road Initiative projects pass through ecologically sensitive areas and in countries with weak environmental laws and governance.

    August 31, 2022

    India–Bhutan Hydropower Cooperation and Bhutanese Economy

    Hydropower cooperation between India and Bhutan should not only help achieve the larger aspirations of the Bhutanese people for peace, prosperity and happiness but also further strengthen bilateral bonds.

    May 26, 2022

    Opinion: Decision-makers in Arunachal Pradesh need to take EIAs seriously

    February 04, 2022

    Research Analyst, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Opangmeren Jamir’s paper ‘Opinion: Decision-makers in Arunachal Pradesh need to take EIAs seriously’ has been published in ‘The Third Pole’ on 04 February 2022.

    The recent passage of the Dam Safety Bill by the Indian parliament will only address part of the problem if environmental impact assessments are faulty, says Dr Jamir.

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