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  • Rahul Saini asked: What advances have been made by China in the field of military application of artificial intelligence and envisaged consequent change in Chinese CONOPS for war prosecution?

    Ajey Lele replies: The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is conscious of the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on war planning as well as war fighting and the global developments in this space. The PLA views AI as a symbiotic relationship between human and machine intelligence, with humans in a decisive role.

    Murthy Karanam asked: Since it takes years to build nuclear-powered submarines, what are the short & long-term strategic advantages of the AUKUS deal for Australia? Any chance that the US will extend such deals to other QUAD members?

    Abhay Kumar Singh replies: AUKUS commitment to support Australia in acquiring nuclear-powered submarines for the Royal Australian Navy has unarguably been the most eye-catching provision in the announcement of an enhanced trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US). Notwithstanding significant international attention, this announcement about the nuclear submarine deal remains devoid of key details.

    What Beijing’s Growing Polar Silk Road Means to India?

    Beijing’s intent to incorporate the polar regions within China’s greater maritime strategy, explore their resources and subsequently emerge as a polar great power is quite evident in its initiatives like the Polar Silk Road. In light of growing global ambition and resource needs, the Arctic could become another theatre of India–China competition.

    October 21, 2021

    (Mis)Understanding the Communist Party of China’s Control

    Certain sections of the elite in China seem to be speaking out against the tightening political control under President Xi Jinping. Whether the Chinese Communist Party is failing to elicit loyalty among its own members, and resorting to widespread ideological control to retain its legitimacy is a pertinent question to ponder upon.

    September 13, 2021

    China’s Agricultural and Industrial Policies in 1971*

    The performance of the agricultural and industrial sectors during 1971 acquires an added significance as 1971 happens to be the first year of China’s ambitious Fourth Five-Year Plan. This Plan visualized new dimensions for the policies in these two basic sectors. This policy has aimed at optimum utilization of all factors of productions increasing the operational efficiency of both peasants and industrial labour through material incentives like private plots; and reinstalling technocrats in the respective industries.

    January 2021

    “China Plus One”: Supply Chain Resilience Initiative and Beijing in Indo-Pacific

    The drawbacks of over-reliance on China as a single manufacturing source has led to countries adopting “China Plus One” strategy to diversify supply networks. Whether Supply Chain Resilience Initiative by India-Japan-Australia can assist in partial decoupling from China is yet to be seen.

    July 26, 2021

    Power to Prevail: China’s ‘Discourse Politics’ as CCP Turns 100

    The CCP has invested heavily in telling “China’s Story Well” by amplifying its discourse power. However, looking at China’s discourse politics from an absolutely narrow propaganda lens would be a folly, for the stakes for India are much higher, more nuanced and across multiple domains.

    July 08, 2021

    CCP at 100: Xi Jinping’s Future Foreign Policy Manifesto

    Xi’s rousing words at CCP’s centenary celebrations have reaffirmed China’s intentions to make every effort in actualising its domestic goals and global ambitions—without holding much regard for the rules-based order.

    July 07, 2021

    The Concept of Active Defence in China's Military Strategy, by Amrita Jash

    The strategy articulated by Deng Xiaoping in 1990 as a guiding tenet of China's foreign policy was: “Observe calmly, secure our position, cope with affairs calmly, hide our capacities and bide our time, be good at maintaining a low profile, and never claim leadership 1”.

    April-June 2021

    Chinese Power: Trends in Engagement and Containment

    • Publisher: KW Publishers
    The East Asia Strategic Review is an annual publication of the East Asia Centre, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), New Delhi. The current volume titled "Chinese Power: Trends in Engagement and Containment" intends to present an Indian perspective on China's strategic outreach in the East Asian region under President Xi Jinping. It analyses how Beijing employs the instruments of diplomacy, economy, military and political outreach to engage with the regional countries and how US presence influences the regional dynamics.
    • ISBN: 978-3-030-72721-5 ,
    • Price: EUR 74.89 [ebook] | EUR 89.99 [Hardcover]
    • E-copy available

