Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN

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  • South Korean Arms Exports to Latin America

    South Korean Arms Exports to Latin America

    ROK is employing an effective combination of gifting equipment combined with joint ventures with local industry, which has the dual effect of increasing exports and forging partnerships with domestic industries in a region where it has hitherto had a very minimal defence relationship.

    August 19, 2016

    A Security Council for the 21st Century: Challenges & Prospects

    A Security Council for the 21st Century: Challenges & Prospects

    Security Council reform has proved over the years to be a stubborn and elusive goal, but it remains firmly within our reach if we muster the courage and determination to grasp it.

    July 20, 2016

    India and Africa: Common Security Challenges for the Next Decade

    India and Africa: Common Security Challenges for the Next Decade
    • Publisher: Pentagon Press

    Over the coming decade, converging global security challenges will necessitate combined efforts by states to manage threats and maximise opportunities. Among the most significant challenges that India and Africa will face in paricular, are reforms in global governance institutions, maritime security threats in the Indian Ocean, energy insecurity and the rise of extremism and terrorism. This volume combines Indian and African perspectives with regard to the common security challenges they are likely to face in the foreseeable future.

    • ISBN 978-81-8274-860-6,
    • Price: ₹. 595
    • E-copy available

    Strengthening Ties with Africa

    As Modi speeds up engagement with African countries, there is an important challenge that he faces within the country, namely, making African nationals feel welcome in India.

    July 05, 2016

    Political Upheaval in Brazil

    Political Upheaval in Brazil

    An early and decisive conclusion to the political crisis in Brazil and also a finality in the position of Rouseff vis-a-vis the presidency appear unlikely.

    June 28, 2016

    India’s Entry into NSG: Why is South Africa holding out?

    India’s Entry into NSG: Why is South Africa holding out?

    Has South Africa buckled under Chinese pressure to oppose India’s membership in the NSG? While this cannot yet be confirmed, there are strong indicators that it could be a possibility.

    June 15, 2016

    Obama in Hiroshima: Betwixt spoken and the unspoken

    Obama in Hiroshima: Betwixt spoken and the unspoken

    His words might fall short of assuaging all but his visit to Hiroshima is a testimony of Obama being a leader of substance.

    May 30, 2016

    Roundtable on “Partnering with Africa”

    Round Table
    May 19, 2016
    1530 hours

    Tanzania’s President John Magufuli – The Hero of the Hour

    Tanzania’s President John Magufuli – The Hero of the Hour

    India needs to take advantage of its historically close and friendly ties with Tanzania and step up its ties with that country, perhaps by scheduling a visit of Prime Minister Modi at the earliest.

    January 22, 2016

