Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN

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  • South Africa Boosts Naval Capabilities: But can it afford an expansion?

    The RSA may be forced to choose between significantly increasing the budgetary allocations for the SAN and adopting a rotational storage programme to preserve capability while reducing operational costs.

    February 05, 2018

    The Response of CARICOM Armed Forces to Hurricane Maria

    The deficiencies in planning and training of personnel for disaster relief operations as well as the capability gaps in equipment that the response to Huricane Maria highlighted need to be plugged.

    December 06, 2017

    The Brexit-Belt and Road Axis: India for Neighbourhood First

    China's Belt & Road Initiative (B&RI), also known as One-Belt-One-Road (OBOR), depends for its success on a tacit alliance with Britain and the financial acumen of the City of London. The London-Beijing axis has likely gathered momentum with Britain's decision to quit the European Union (EU) in June 2016 and Prime Minister Theresa May's triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty in March 2017, to begin the divorce process.

    November 2017

    Too Early to Celebrate! The Decline of Somali Piracy off the East Coast of Africa

    The pirates of Somalia constitute one one of the greatest threats to maritime security in modern time.Their operations started amidst the political instability, economic crisis and state collapse that characterised the fall of the Siad Barre regime in Somalia in 1991.

    November 2017

    India's ICJ Win: Triumph of Multilateral Realpolitik?

    The re-election of Justice Dalveer Bhandari to the ICJ is an endorsement of the multilateral diplomacy based on realpolitik that India has been practicing in recent years.

    December 06, 2017

    Waiting for Godot*: India and United Nations Security Council Reform

    This article analyses the history of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) reform with a particular focus on India’s aspiration and attempts to become a permanent member on the Council. The primary objectives of this historical examination are to appreciate how hard reforming the UNSC is and to understand how challenging it will be for India to acquire a permanent seat on the Council. Probing the General Assembly debates on UNSC reform, the article exposes the fundamental hurdles to change, the duplicity of the permanent five (P-5) and lack of unity among the stakeholders.

    November 2017

    Second IORA Meeting of Experts for Maritime Safety and Security

    November 07, 2017 to November 08, 2017

    The Trump Challenge to the JCPOA

    Trump’s new policy statement on Iran has enveloped the UNSC-approved Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in a shroud of uncertainty that could lead to further instability in conflict-ridden West Asia.

    October 24, 2017

    India’s Strategic Connect with the World

    The various connectivity projects put forward by India show its involvement as an investor in capacity-building efforts in the recipient countries across sectors of their particular needs and choices, not as an overarching and imposing economic power.

    October 23, 2017

