Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN

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  • Rise of Terrorism in Africa

    Terrorism has grown exponentially in the African continent, not only in terms of the number of attacks but also the number of countries affected. There is an arc of instability spreading across Africa, from Nigeria in the west to Somalia in the east.

    April 13, 2017

    India’s Relations with the Latin America-Caribbean Region: Prospects and Constraints

    This paper seeks, from a Latin American perspective, to examine India's relations with the Latin America-Caribbean region. It makes a distinction between the hesitant and somewhat apathetic approach of the Indian government towards enhanced ties with the region and the rather more proactive and enthusiastic approach by the Indian business sector which has seen Indian trade with the region growing many fold and increasing at the same rate as China's.

    The Beginning of the End – Carrier operations in Latin America to cease

    Post the decommissioning of the Sao Palo, to be completed by 2020, not a single South American navy will operate an aircraft carrier, perhaps reflecting the relative military decline of the region as well as a recognition that carriers can be expensive prestige projects that are quite ineffective in combat.

    April 07, 2017

    Costa Rica’s Challenge: Maintaining Internal Security without an Army

    Costa Rica is determined to maintain a demilitarised approach to internal security despite the increasing challenge from violent transnational organized crime largely linked to the trade in illegal narcotics.

    March 23, 2017

    Subsystemic Unipolarities? Power Distribution and State Behaviour in South America and Southern Africa

    This article explores the possibility of conceiving South America and Southern Africa as subsystemic unipolarities under Brazilian and South African primacy, respectively. It argues that this concept, when applied to these regions, sheds light not only on the long-term strategies behind the Brazilian and South African foreign policies towards their neighbourhood, but also on the behaviour of secondary regional powers and small states. This hypothesis questions the maxim that considerations related to polarity affect great powers only.

    January 2017

    Has Nigeria Defeated Boko Haram? An Appraisal of the Counter-Terrorism Approach under the Buhari Administration

    One of the campaign promises of President Muhammadu Buhari was that he would eliminate Boko Haram six months after assumption of office. By December 2015, the Buhari-led government gave itself a pass mark for countering the terrorists. The government declared that the group had been ‘technically defeated’. This declaration has led to debates in the public space as to the veracity of this claim. This article aims to critically appraise the on-going attempt to eliminate the Boko Haram threat under the Buhari administration.

    January 2017

    Rajeesh Kumar

    Research Fellow

    Between Hope and Despair: Trump and the Future of the United Nations

    Guterres has to forcefully convey to the new US administration that the US-UN relationship is a two-way street, where both parties need each other to safeguard their respective interests.

    February 10, 2017

    Whither the Mexican Air Force Combat Fleet?

    The main threat to Mexico comes from illegal privately-operated aircraft which are heavily involved in smuggling. The inability of the Mexican Air Force to guarantee the integrity of its own airspace is therefore a matter of concern.

    February 28, 2017

