Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN

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  • Framing South Africa’s Soft Power through Non-State Sources

    South Africa arguably stands well above its regional counterparts in terms of soft power resources. This is not entirely unconnected with the uncalculated attempts by non-state actors to extend the reach of the country’s soft power status across the world. This article probes the contributions of the informal drivers of South Africa’s soft power. These ‘soft powered’ institutions and individuals (with no definite state affiliation) are critical contributors to South Africa’s soft power diplomacy.

    September 2017

    Venezuela’s Political Crisis: Continuing Chaos

    While the willingness of the Maduro regime to silence the opposition is cause for concern, far more worrying is the prospect of the new Constituent Assembly rewriting the Constitution to eliminate the last vestiges of democratic checks and balances.

    August 09, 2017

    The Protracted Brazilian Crisis

    In the backdrop of various corruption scandals marring the political scenario in Brazil, the 2018 general elections will probably be marked by uncertainties and contradictions of the competing coalition politics.

    July 21, 2017

    EMBRAER: Brazil’s Aviation Success Story

    It is difficult for India’s aviation sector to replicate EMBRAER’s success without perhaps a reorientation of priorities.

    July 03, 2017

    Uruguay’s Armed Forces – Maintaining Effectiveness on a Budget

    While Uruguay has been able to preserve the combat capability of its armed forces despite budgetary restrictions, it remains to be seen whether this can continue without substantial infusions of money for capital acquisitions.

    June 20, 2017

    India’s New Initiative in Africa: The Asia–Africa Growth Corridor

    The Corridor marries India’s brand of human resources development and capacity building with Japan’s objective of delivering quality infrastructure in the region.

    June 13, 2017

    Paraguay’s Military: Internal Security Challenges vs Bloc Obsolescence

    Paraguay’s military faces the twin challenges of maintaining internal and external security, and fighting narco-trafficking while facing bloc obsolescence of its existing assets.

    June 12, 2017

    Possible Outcomes after the US Exit from the Paris Climate Agreement

    China may emerge as the sole leader of global climate negotiations by supporting the Green Climate Fund, which faces a budget crisis with the US exit. This will also provide an opportunity for China to reshape its current global image.

    June 06, 2017

    India’s Stance and Renewed Commitment to UN Peacekeeping

    The United Nations (UN) adopted UN Peacekeeping, during its initial years, to restore international peace and security. As the world body celebrated 70 years of its existence in 2015, UN Peacekeeping continues to play an important role in maintaining peace and security, by protecting civilians and preventing human rights violations arising from violence and conflict. India has emerged as one of the frontrunners in the shared responsibility of ushering in peace and stability in the world, under the umbrella of the UN.

    May 2017

    Globalization of the Jihadist Threat: Case Study of Trinidad and Tobago

    Despite a well-integrated Muslim population, and an environment where there is no tangible discrimination or lack of opportunity, the Jihadist ideology has succeeded in taking root in Trinidad. Links with organized crime have helped fuel the movement and strong links have been forged with ISIS and Al-Qaeda with the result that at least 89 Trinidadians are now in Syria. It is also argued that some Trinidadian Muslims have succumbed to the messages broadcast by ISIS and that the lure of fighting for an Islamic Caliphate has found resonance.

    March 2017

