Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN

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  • Why Africa?

    Third India Africa Forum Summit

    IAFS-III has been a 'great leap forward' compared to our limited approach earlier. Why has India taken this major step, which requires huge deployment of human and financial resources?

    January 13, 2016

    Need to Build an Effective Indo-German Partnership

    India and Germany have complementarities that can make them effective partners. However, converting these complementarities into possibilities will depend on creating conducive environment for greater German investment and a better understanding of the German world view.

    November 09, 2015

    3rd India Africa Forum Summit: Rejuvenating Relations

    3rd India Africa Forum Summit: Rejuvenating Relations

    Touted as the most spectacular diplomatic exercise hosted by India since the 1983 Non Aligned Movement (NAM) summit, this meeting provides opportunity for India to rejuvenate relations with the continent.

    October 29, 2015

    Reenergising India-Africa Maritime Relations

    Reenergising India-Africa Maritime Relations

    Africa needs not only maritime administration frameworks and the local capacity to enforce regulations, but also a model for sustainable blue-economy development that does not result in the destruction of its natural maritime habitat. In this, it can use India’s assistance.

    October 28, 2015

    India-Africa Partnership: Future Directions

    October 20, 2015

    A Setback for the Prospect of UN Security Council Reform!

    A Setback for the Prospect of UN Security Council Reform

    Many UN member states are of the view that text-based negotiation is the best way to take the process forward. But the US, Russia and China have refused to commit themselves to this process.

    August 17, 2015

    India in Global Governance: Engaging the Counter-Terrorism Regime

    Fellows' Seminar
    May 22, 2015
    1030 to 1300 hrs

    Third India-Africa Strategic Dialogue: India-Africa: Building Synergies in Peace, Security and Development

    March 03, 2015 to March 04, 2015
    1030 to 1300 hrs

    United Nations Security Council Reform: Perspectives and Prospects

    United Nations Security Council Reform: Perspectives and Prospects

    Over the years, the world has changed in fundamental ways. We are witnessing a resurgence of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Growth and development have not only made the countries more interdependent, but new and increasingly complex challenges have also arisen. For multilateralism to remain relevant and effective in today's world, multilateral institutions must adapt and reform to reflect contemporary geo-political realities. It is in this context that the expansion of the UN Security Council is of significance.


