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  • The Arctic as a Global Common

    India’s ‘strategic community’ must take the lead in articulating the debating the idea of including the Arctic in the discourse on global commons.

    September 02, 2011

    RoK’s Jeju Island Naval Base

    The Jeju naval base is intended to serve two objectives: to protect the country from possible missile attacks from North Korea and to allow the United States to station Aegis class destroyers.

    September 01, 2011

    Is the Mumbai Police Geared up to the Task of Combating Terrorism?

    This Issue Brief reviews the progress or lack thereof on the front of modernization of police forces under the Modernisation of Police Forces (MPF) Scheme, with specific reference to the Mumbai Police.

    August 30, 2011

    An Ocean at The Intersection of Two Emerging Maritime Narratives

    This issue brief delves into the pragmatic motivations undergirding India and China’s “will to the sea”, before examining on a more conceptual level how New Delhi and Beijing have drawn on the old in order to buttress the new, most notably through the crafting of two maritime narratives.

    July 11, 2011

    Jawaharlal Nehru and the Chief of Defence Staff

    The appointment of the Naresh Chandra Committee is an opportunity for India’s strategic community to engage in a long-overdue debate on our approach to national security

    July 11, 2011

    China’s Claim on Arunachal Pradesh: Local Perspectives

    Issue Brief tries to establish an understanding of local perspectives on the Chinese claim. It also details the challenges that have been afflicting the state over the years namely related to governance, rivers, and border security....

    July 11, 2011

    Sudan in Transition

    As a new nation emerges in Africa, India needs to shape its policy to deal with impending changes in Sudan. India’s deep engagement with Sudan suggests that its role in post referendum Sudan will be important

    July 08, 2011

    India, ENR and NSG

    Unless the NSG is willing to modify its guidelines to allow ENR transfers to India, India should not seek admission to NSG membeship even if offered.

    July 05, 2011

    India’s Membership of the NSG: Possible Options

    This Brief elaborates the principles that need to be followed to evolve a criteria-based approach to enable India to join the NSG as a full member and contribute materially and substantially to a future non-proliferation regime that will be acceptable to the international community as a whole.

    June 16, 2011

    Faulty Manpower Policy in Indian Armed Forces: Time for Action

    Faulty promotion policies and the unsatisfactory professional education of the officer corps deprive Indian military officers of the opportunity to master strategy and develop capacities for handling high level issues.

    June 13, 2011

