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  • Amb Sujan R. Chinoy and Vikram Merchant of Rio Tinto Discuss Mineral Sector and Global Supply Chain

    June 06, 2024

    Director General Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Amb Sujan R. Chinoy and Mr Vikram Merchant, Country Head, Rio Tinto had an online exchange of views on 06 June 2024, about the Mineral Sector and Global Supply Chain.

    Erdogan’s April 2024 Visit to Iraq: An Assessment

    Türkiye’s President Erdogan’s April 2024 visit to Iraq saw progress on economic integration projects and security ties.

    June 05, 2024

    Round Table Discussion on ‘DAP 2020: Addressing New Challenges’ Organised

    June 05, 2024

    P-IDSA organised a Round Table Discussion on ‘DAP 2020: Addressing New Challenges’ on 05 June 2024. Director General Amb Sujan R. Chinoy chaired the discussion. Maj Gen Abhay Dayal, ADG (Tech) Army), Lt Gen (Dr) Subrata Saha (Retd), officers of Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Airforce, DRDO, and representatives from UK India Business Council, US-India Business Council, SIBAT, Israel Ministry of Defense, Rosoboronexport, FICCI, Society of Indian Defence Manufacturers and PHD Chamber contributed in the discussion.

    Nepal’s Coalition Shifts: Domestic and Foreign Policy Implications

    The instability of coalition governments in Nepal can be attributed to several factors, including a complex electoral system, personal ambitions of political leaders, and external pressures.

    June 04, 2024

    Amb Sujan R. Chinoy Receives Nitin Gokhale

    June 04, 2024

    Director General, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Amb Sujan R. Chinoy received Shri Nitin Gokhale for an exchange of views on defence and security issues.

    Journal of Defence Studies: Call for Papers


    Journal of Defence Studies

    Special Issue: India–US Defence Cooperation

    Deadline for Manuscript Submission: 1 August 2024

    Monday Morning Meeting on ‘Alignments and Realignments in Armenian Foreign Policy since the Velvet Revolution’ Organised

    June 03, 2024

    Research Analyst, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Dr Jason Wahlang spoke on ‘Alignments and Realignments in Armenian Foreign Policy since the Velvet Revolution’ at the Monday Morning Meeting on 03 June 2024.

    Associate Fellow, Dr Rajorshi Roy moderated the meeting. Director General, Manohar Parrikar, Amb Sujan R. Chinoy and scholars participated in the discussion.

    Prashant Sharma of World Bank Group and Founder Dharma Alliance Calls on Amb Sujan R. Chinoy

    June 03, 2024

    Shri Prashant Sharma, Senior Consultant, World Bank Group and founder Dharma Alliance, Geneva, called on Director General, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Amb Sujan R. Chinoy on 03 June 2024, for an exchange of views.

    Power Politics Transcends Space Security

    June 03, 2024

    Deputy Director General, Manohar Parrikar IDSA, Gp Capt Ajey Lele’s article ‘Power politics transcends space security’ has been published in ‘The Space Review’ on 03 June 2024.

    The need of the hour is to have a universally acceptable, verifiable, and multilaterally negotiated legally binding instrument for space security. This topic is too important to be left to the Americans, Russians, and Chinese.

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