EU-China Relations amidst Covid Pandemic

Public perception in the European Union (EU) has perceptibly changed against China due to its aggressive aid diplomacy and propaganda efforts during the pandemic

January 28, 2021

India-GCC Relations: Looking Beyond the Pandemic

India and the GCC countries should further strengthen cooperation in the fields of healthcare, education, defence and niche areas like space exploration, artificial intelligence, cyber security, bioinformatics, and renewable energy.

January 15, 2021

The Perils of Vaccine Nationalism

COVID-19 vaccine hoarding by wealthy nations will prolong the pandemic, and result in greater economic and social damage.

January 04, 2021

Hefajat-e-Islami and the Politics of Islamism in Bangladesh

The street power of the ulema groups in Bangladesh is pushing the government to further Islamise the social sphere, which will pave the way for the ultimate political success of the Islamists.

December 11, 2020

Helping Start-ups Cross the ‘Valley of Death’: The Main Challenge for iDEX

The iDEX has made a commendable effort at putting a defence start-up ecosystem in place. The challenges ahead include maintaining momentum, obtaining funding, and accessing toolsets and data sets.

December 11, 2020

Iraq under Mustafa Al-Kadhimi: Turning Over a New Leaf

Since taking over as the Iraqi prime minister in May 2020, Mustafa al-Kadhimi has blended pragmatism with caution while dealing with significant domestic as well as external challenges.

December 07, 2020

Realigning America’s Grand Strategy: Biden Will Have His Hands Full

Biden has set an ambitious agenda to reinvigorate US global leadership by pursuing a proactive grand strategy. He will, however, have to reckon with the legacy of Trumpism that has made a significant imprint on American foreign policy.

November 27, 2020

Labour Sector Reforms in the GCC and Challenges for Indian Expatriates

GCC countries are taking measures to nationalise the labour force, which is adversely affecting the Indian expatriates across all sectors. Even as India is getting equipped to tackle the return migration, the creation of a comprehensive database will help better manage the crisis in the long run.

November 27, 2020

Decoding Defence Acquisition Procedure 2020

The Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP 2020), which supersedes the Defence Procurement Procedure 2016 (DPP 2016), is a sincere effort by the Ministry of Defence to improve the capital procurement procedure.

November 20, 2020

Can India be the Next Global Manufacturing Hub?

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has revealed the inherent weaknesses in the existing global supply chain and risks of over-reliance on China’s manufacturing industry, presents new opportunities for India to rethink its industrial strategy, especially policies concerning the growth of its manufacturing sector.

November 13, 2020

