India’s National Hydrogen Mission and Prospects for Cooperation with GCC

India and GCC share convergence of ideas and interests along with the political will to collaborate in the hydrogen energy sector. There is a need to provide impetus to the public and private partnerships in this sector as it has a strong potential for growth in future.

August 27, 2021

What Beijing’s Expanding Digital Silk Road Means to India?

The Digital Silk Road can give China the power to shape global digital governance norms in its favour and the political, economic and strategic tools to be a technological hegemon, posing enormous challenges to emerging economies like India.

August 24, 2021

Build Back Better World Initiative: A Partnership Against or Beyond China?

Envisioned as a sustainable alternative to China’s BRI, US-led Build Back Better World (B3W) initiative seeks to narrow down infrastructure deficit in the developing world. However, with their several distinct areas of focus, BRI & B3W can possibly share both complementary & competitive equations.

August 09, 2021

Inter-state Border Disputes in Northeast India

The inter-state border disputes in the Northeast have persisted for long. Efforts need to be redoubled to find a political solution, mediated by the Union government, which is binding on all the states concerned in the Northeast.

July 29, 2021

“China Plus One”: Supply Chain Resilience Initiative and Beijing in Indo-Pacific

The drawbacks of over-reliance on China as a single manufacturing source has led to countries adopting “China Plus One” strategy to diversify supply networks. Whether Supply Chain Resilience Initiative by India-Japan-Australia can assist in partial decoupling from China is yet to be seen.

July 26, 2021

The Dark Web and Regulatory Challenges

The dark web has turned into a hot bed of illegal transactions, posing a threat to the cyberspace across multiple dimensions.

July 23, 2021

WTO TRIPS Waiver and COVID-19 Vaccine Equity

The vaccine inequity is not only morally indefensible but clinically counter-productive. Allowing most of the world’s population to go unvaccinated will only spawn new virus mutations. Preventing this humanitarian catastrophe requires removing barriers – such as TRIPS – to vaccine production and its equitable distribution.

July 12, 2021

Power to Prevail: China’s ‘Discourse Politics’ as CCP Turns 100

The CCP has invested heavily in telling “China’s Story Well” by amplifying its discourse power. However, looking at China’s discourse politics from an absolutely narrow propaganda lens would be a folly, for the stakes for India are much higher, more nuanced and across multiple domains.

July 08, 2021

CCP at 100: Xi Jinping’s Future Foreign Policy Manifesto

Xi’s rousing words at CCP’s centenary celebrations have reaffirmed China’s intentions to make every effort in actualising its domestic goals and global ambitions—without holding much regard for the rules-based order.

July 07, 2021

Attack on Mohamed Nasheed and Challenges Ahead for the Maldives

The attack on Mohamed Nasheed has exposed Maldives’ vulnerability to acts of terrorism. The biggest test for President Solih is to overcome the challenges to tackling national security threats and address the concerns of the liberal Maldivians.

July 01, 2021

