Non-Traditional Security

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  • India's Energy Security: Challenges and Opportunities

    The eradication of poverty and prosperity depend upon the economic development of a nation which in turn is dependent on an adequate and continuous supply of energy sources. Hence, energy is the lifeline of economic development. The rise of South Asia in general and India in particular as a force on the economic scene is now widely acknowledged. India's growing population and expanding economy with the shift in focus from agriculture to the manufacturing and services sectors have led to an increase in energy intensity which has resulted in an unprecedented demand for energy sources.

    November 2010

    Turbulent Future Lies Ahead for Global Energy Markets

    What are the major trends that will shape the global energy future in the medium to long term, say up to 2030? The authoritative report of the International Energy Agency (IEA) issued in 2007, before the global economic slowdown of 2008–09, had predicted the world's primary energy demand growing by 55 per cent at an average annual rate of 1.8 per cent between 2005 and 2030. This was before the global economic crisis of 2008–09.

    November 2010

    Why Transnational Energy Pipelines Remain Pipedreams in South Asia

    Fellows' Seminar
    November 19, 2010
    1000 to 1230 hrs

    Will CIL’s IPO lead to revolutionary transformation of the coal sector?

    The long awaited IPO of India’s largest coal producer, Coal India Limited, is finally ready to issue on Dalal Street next week. It is hoped that it will herald a significant transformation of the sector and usher in much needed restructuring and reform to make it more efficient and productive and ensure India’s long term energy security.

    October 28, 2010

    Water Security for India: The External Dynamics

    Water Security for India: The External Dynamics
    • Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

    India is facing a serious water resource problem and as trends suggest, it is expected to become 'water stressed' by 2025 and 'water scarce' by 2050. Premised on this, this IDSA Report raises fundamental questions about the forces driving water demand and the political dynamics of riparian relations, both in terms of hindrances and opportunities, amongst states in the subcontinent.

    • ISBN 81-86019-83-9 ,
    • Price: ₹. 350/-
    • E-copy available

    Climate Change and Environmental Degradation in Tibet: Implications for Environmental Security in South Asia

    Both the Chinese government and the Tibetans are in agreement over the impending issues relating to the adverse impact of climate change on Tibet while the India-specific data on glacier melt is as yet inconclusive. There is, however, a difference of perception in Sino-Tibetan discourse over the capitalist model of economic development being undertaken by China which is at variance with the cultural practices of Tibetans, informed and regulated as they are with the Buddhist values of oneness with nature. Nomadism is also fundamental to the preservation of the ecology of Tibet.

    September 2010

    50 Years of the Indus Water Treaty: An Evaluation

    Rivers are more than what Samuel T. Coleridge poetically expressed in Kubla Khan: ‘meandering with mazy motion’ and falling into the ‘sunless sea’. Rivers are life-givers, carrying a mystic and sacred quality about them. That they are oft described as being ‘mighty’—the mighty Amazon; the mighty Nile; the mighty Brahamaputra; the mighty Murray; the mighty Mississippi and Missouri—is hardly mystifying. Civilizations have grown around it and flourished. In contemporary politics the salience of rivers cannot be overlooked both in terms of being drivers of cooperation and conflict.

    September 2010

    The Upcoming Nalanda University

    The new Nalanda University now being planned to be rebuilt will soon provide momentum to the systematic study of Buddhism in India of various shades and nuances.

    August 31, 2010

    Chinese Oil and Gas Pipelines and Sea Routes

    Fellows' Seminar
    October 29, 2010

    Extreme weather events in Ladakh of August 2010

    The cloudburst in the high altitude cold desert region of Ladakh of the first week of August 2010 is not the usual but an extreme weather event.

    August 11, 2010

