Non-Traditional Security

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  • China’s Economic Growth and ‘New Quality Productive Forces'

    China is seeking to drive ‘green’ and sustainable economic growth through high technology manufacturing and R&D investments.

    August 01, 2024

    Assessing US Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Claims in the Arctic

    The US Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) claims in the Arctic brings into question the legitimacy of established mechanisms like UNCLOS and CLCS.

    July 10, 2024

    Harnessing Cutting-Edge Technology: Lessons from Project Beta

    India's pursuit of Atmanirbhar Bharat in defence technology is a multi-faceted endeavour, requiring strategic vision, robust collaboration, sustained investment and a commitment to innovation.

    May 29, 2024

    Kautilya’s Arthashastra: Strategic Cultural Roots of India’s Contemporary Statecraft

    Debates around the existence of a strategic culture in India have tickled the minds of scholars in International Relations for a long time, with a critical precedent set by George K. Tanham (1992), through Indian Strategic Thought: An Interpretive Essay, written for the RAND Corporation. Tanham refers to the incoherence in India’s strategic behaviour and concludes that strategic thought is by far absent in India. Kautilya’s Arthashastra: Strategic Cultural Roots of India’s Contemporary Statecraft by Kajari Kamal puts an end to all these debates.

    January-February 2024

    Energy Alternatives

    There is today no energy shortage. The highly publicized energy crunch in the United States following the Arab Israeli 1973 war was artificial,Footnote1 and should a country be willing to pay prevailing prices, it can have as much energy as it wants. The energy equation is made-up of three factors: availability, reliability and price. The immediate problem is of price, and to a lesser extent of reliability.

    May-June 2023

    Critical Minerals for Energy Transition: Linchpin or Risk?

    The race to climate neutrality must be guided by responsible practices and environmental stewardship is paramount.

    April 15, 2024

    Harnessing the Potential for Defence Cooperation through Defence Attachés

    India's evolving defence diplomacy reflects its growing strategic ambitions.

    April 12, 2024

    US Military’s Clean Energy Initiatives

    The US DoD has been fast-tracking clean energy initiatives to reduce its substantial carbon footprint.

    February 06, 2024

    Deep Seabed Mining in the Arctic

    Norway’s decision in support of Arctic seabed mining could trigger ecological and geopolitical challenges.

    February 02, 2024

    Israel–Hamas Conflict: Between Legitimate Combat and Inadmissible Violence

    The complexity of the challenge in the Israel–Hamas conflict should not deter from the need to uphold humanitarian law and minimise the suffering of civilians by both the protagonists.

    November 28, 2023

