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  • India’s Path to Defence Self-Reliance: Challenges and Progress in the iDEX Initiative

    The Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) initiative is a key programme to make India a technological hub for defence manufacturing.

    July 19, 2024

    US Military’s Clean Energy Initiatives

    The US DoD has been fast-tracking clean energy initiatives to reduce its substantial carbon footprint.

    February 06, 2024

    Technology Development Fund: Opportunities and Challenges

    The Technology Development Fund (TDF) is an important Grant-in-Aid Scheme of DRDO under Technology Management Cluster, for the purpose of inculcating defence R&D culture in private sector.

    November 03, 2023

    US Cluster Munitions for Ukraine: Military Context and Legal Considerations

    The provisions of the Convention on Cluster Munitions are not relevant in the extant case of supply of dual purpose improved conventional munitions (DPICM) to Ukraine.

    July 14, 2023

    Facial Recognition Technology and Counter-Terror Operations

    The challenges associated with facial recognition technology (FRT) need to be studied in detail before deploying them in counter-insurgency/counter-terror operations.

    August 05, 2022

    Prakrut Chauhan asked: What is the basic difference between collective defence and collective security?

    Kishore Kumar Khera replies: Defence is a term used for actions or set of actions undertaken by an individual, system, entity, organisation or a state to mitigate damage from an attack or a possible attack. It normally but not necessarily relates to actions against physical aggression. Nowadays virtual dimension too is added in the overarching definition of defence.

    Promoting Defence Exports

    India’s defence eco-system is indeed becoming more dynamic as it strives to achieve the tough defence exports targets.

    March 31, 2021

    Enhancing the Effectiveness of Defence Indigenization: The Case of Bullet-Resistant Jackets

    Post-COVID, the renewed emphasis on indigenisation in India calls for a fresh, in-depth examination of the entire range of issues and policies pertaining to the development of a capable domestic base for the defence industry and technology.

    November 2020

    DefExpo 2018: Making India a Defence Manufacturing Hub and an Exporter of Arms

    The challenge lies in demonstrating to potential importers that India, currently the world’s largest arms importer, has the capacity to manufacture and export the equipment required by their armed forces.

    April 09, 2018

    Defence Reforms: A National Imperative

    • Publisher: Pentagon Press
    Despite being faced with myriad and complex challenges to national security, India's defence structures have not kept pace with changing times. The defence reforms that were undertaken periodically were reactive in nature and, in many cases, responses to crises as well as being sporadic, piecemeal and often ad hoc. The most recent review of security challenges undertaken occurred close to two decades ago, in the aftermath of the Kargil conflict of 1999.
    • ISBN: 978-93-86618-34-4,
    • Price: ₹.995/- $32.95/-
    • E-copy available

