Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN: Publications

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  • Political Upheaval in Brazil

    Political Upheaval in Brazil

    An early and decisive conclusion to the political crisis in Brazil and also a finality in the position of Rouseff vis-a-vis the presidency appear unlikely.

    June 28, 2016

    India’s Entry into NSG: Why is South Africa holding out?

    India’s Entry into NSG: Why is South Africa holding out?

    Has South Africa buckled under Chinese pressure to oppose India’s membership in the NSG? While this cannot yet be confirmed, there are strong indicators that it could be a possibility.

    June 15, 2016

    Obama in Hiroshima: Betwixt spoken and the unspoken

    Obama in Hiroshima: Betwixt spoken and the unspoken

    His words might fall short of assuaging all but his visit to Hiroshima is a testimony of Obama being a leader of substance.

    May 30, 2016

    Tanzania’s President John Magufuli – The Hero of the Hour

    Tanzania’s President John Magufuli – The Hero of the Hour

    India needs to take advantage of its historically close and friendly ties with Tanzania and step up its ties with that country, perhaps by scheduling a visit of Prime Minister Modi at the earliest.

    January 22, 2016

    Why Africa?

    Third India Africa Forum Summit

    IAFS-III has been a 'great leap forward' compared to our limited approach earlier. Why has India taken this major step, which requires huge deployment of human and financial resources?

    January 13, 2016

    Need to Build an Effective Indo-German Partnership

    India and Germany have complementarities that can make them effective partners. However, converting these complementarities into possibilities will depend on creating conducive environment for greater German investment and a better understanding of the German world view.

    November 09, 2015

    3rd India Africa Forum Summit: Rejuvenating Relations

    3rd India Africa Forum Summit: Rejuvenating Relations

    Touted as the most spectacular diplomatic exercise hosted by India since the 1983 Non Aligned Movement (NAM) summit, this meeting provides opportunity for India to rejuvenate relations with the continent.

    October 29, 2015

    Reenergising India-Africa Maritime Relations

    Reenergising India-Africa Maritime Relations

    Africa needs not only maritime administration frameworks and the local capacity to enforce regulations, but also a model for sustainable blue-economy development that does not result in the destruction of its natural maritime habitat. In this, it can use India’s assistance.

    October 28, 2015

    A Setback for the Prospect of UN Security Council Reform!

    A Setback for the Prospect of UN Security Council Reform

    Many UN member states are of the view that text-based negotiation is the best way to take the process forward. But the US, Russia and China have refused to commit themselves to this process.

    August 17, 2015

    1st US-Africa Leaders Summit: A New Chapter in the US-Africa Relations

    The summit is seen as one of the major initiatives of the Obama administration towards the African continent and being the first US President to hold the largest event with the African head of states and governments.

    August 20, 2014

