Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN: Publications

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  • Reading the Veto on Syria

    The rare October 4 double veto by Russia and China on the draft resolution against Syria sponsored by France, Germany, Portugal, and UK condemning Syrian action on its civilian population has come to bolster the divide within the Security Council. Russia and China hinted that they may bring their own draft resolution but, at the moment, there is no sign of reconciliation or unanimity among the P5.

    October 21, 2011

    The Palestinian Quest for Statehood at the United Nations: International Reactions and India's Position

    President Abbas' request for full UN membership for a Palestinian State may have created new opportunities for India in West Asia. New Delhi today is relatively well-positioned to contribute to the ongoing efforts for the resumption of Israeli - Palestinian talks in the coming weeks.

    October 20, 2011

    Yemen’s Turbulent Spring: Imminent Change amidst Continuing Conflict

    Yemen is stuck in a paradoxical and ambiguous situation. While it is widely believed that regime change is necessary, in the absence of reliable alternate leadership, the risk of chaos and instability looms large.

    October 18, 2011

    The India-Afghanistan Strategic Partnership Through the Eyes of the Pakistani Urdu Media

    In the wake of its strategic partnership agreement with India, Afghanistan has become an untouchable, even an ‘enemy’, for many Pakistani commentators.

    October 17, 2011

    India and the Palestinian Bid for Statehood at the UN

    Irrespective of the outcome of the Palestinian bid to seek to become the 194th UN member-state, the effort is a definitive ‘fork-in-the-road’ as far as the future contours of the intractable issue are concerned.

    November 19, 2011

    Oslo, A Distant Dream but No Mirage

    While, violence, extremism and short-sighted leadership have buried Oslo, it still remains the only option for the Israelis and Palestinians alike.

    September 13, 2011

    Diana: A Human Face to Expatriates

    Until I met Diana, the South Asian Diaspora in the Middle East meant six million Indians, $50 billion in annual remittances and the problems of evacuation during crises. Diana put a human face to that understanding.

    September 05, 2011

    Increasing Normalisation of the Turkish State

    With the resignation of the service chiefs and Erdoğan’s consolidation of control, Turkey has taken a huge step towards political normalization and consolidating its democracy.

    August 01, 2011

    OIC Astana Session: Emphasising Change and Action

    Though the Astana meeting reflected a change in the OIC’s approach and understanding of the issues and problems of the Islamic world, lack of concrete action would lead to a further loss of credibility for the organisation.

    July 14, 2011

    Sudan in Transition

    As a new nation emerges in Africa, India needs to shape its policy to deal with impending changes in Sudan. India’s deep engagement with Sudan suggests that its role in post referendum Sudan will be important

    July 08, 2011

