Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN: Publications

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  • Belt and Road Initiative: An opportunity or risk for Africa?

    China's Belt and Road Initiative helps African countries in reducing the infrastructure gap in the region. However, it also leaves them open to the risk of unsustainable debt.

    April 15, 2019

    A no-deal Brexit and its implications

    The implications of a no-deal Brexit, particularly on EU-UK trade relations, security and the rights of the citizens, would be grave and irreparable.

    February 22, 2019

    Great Power Rivalry Reaches Africa

    With John Bolton conceding that the US has limited resources to compete with the tens of billions of dollars that China is pouring into Africa, it is not clear how effective America’s new Africa strategy would prove to be in containing China.

    January 09, 2019

    Will the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration solve the crisis?

    The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration embodies the international community’s collective commitments to promoting cooperation on migration and solve the growing migrant crisis.

    January 02, 2019

    Boko Haram Gathers Strength as Nigeria Prepares For Elections

    Boko Haram’s resurgence might affect the holding of credible polls in parts of northeast Nigeria in the upcoming February 2019 general elections.

    December 11, 2018

    Modi’s Tour of Africa Revitalises Relations

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent tour of Rwanda, Uganda and South Africa increased to 26 the number of African countries visited by very senior leaders, thus contributing to a significant reduction in India’s visibility deficit in the continent.

    August 21, 2018

    Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard and the Australian Connection

    The government needs to focus on meeting the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard’s urgent requirements for fuel so that their existing assets could be put to optimal use rather than squander funds on procuring an additional patrol boat from an Australian company.

    June 08, 2018

    South Asian ‘Zombie’: The futility of reviving SAARC

    Given the structural fragility of SAARC and its inability to promote South Asian regional integration, an attempt to reboot the organisation would be futile.

    May 01, 2018

    Crippling the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force

    The Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force officer corps has a challenging task at hand to preserve the operational capability of the force as well as address the genuine concerns being expressed by their subordinates.

    April 09, 2018

    Will Great-Power Conflict Return?

    Geopolitical competition between the great powers with or without direct conflict will lead to a situation where productive cooperation among them on critical international issues is likely to prove difficult.

    April 06, 2018

