The Red Sea Crisis and Regional Economic Ramifications

The Red Sea crisis as a result of the attacks on shipping traffic by the Houthis in solidarity with the Hamas fighting Israel has had significant negative, economic ramifications for regional countries.

September 04, 2024

The Multi-Faceted Trajectory of the India–Oman Strategic Partnership

India and Oman's growing and multifaceted strategic partnership displays a shared commitment to regional peace and economic development.

May 01, 2024

European Engagements in the Indo-Pacific

European countries have upped their engagement in the Indo-Pacific region, in the pursuit of their geo-strategic and economic interests.

April 28, 2023

India’s Quest for Renewable Energy and the Gulf Countries

India has deepened renewable energy cooperation with countries of the GCC in the last few years.

March 24, 2023

OPEC+ and the Global Oil Market

OPEC+ policies have had significant implications for oil importing developing countries as well as oil producing states.

February 13, 2023

The 22nd Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

The main focus of the 22nd Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation in Samarkand was on strengthening regional cooperation and trade connectivity in Eurasia.

November 14, 2022

India–United States Maritime Collaboration

Ensuring maritime security and freedom of navigation in the Indian Ocean and the wider Indo-Pacific region is key security imperative and one of the key objectives of India’s engagement with the US and other partners.

April 08, 2022

Decoding the Bosnian Crisis

The crises in Bosnia have put the nation on red alert and could lead to a major conflict or civil war, if the issues are not resolved soon. Any political instability can fan ideas of disintegration and separation and take Bosnia back to the civil war era and ethnic conflicts, devastation and loss of life.

March 21, 2022

Poland’s Quest for Diversification of Energy

With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the expansion of energy routes and suppliers has assumed increased urgency not only for Poland but EU as a whole. To what extent this diversification of supply chain will reduce Poland’s overt reliance on Russia, remains to be seen.

March 16, 2022

Evolving Threat of Transnational Terrorism in Africa

This backgrounder attempts to understand, trace, and analyse the evolving nature of transnational terrorism, modus operandi, and security threats posed by the two infamous terrorist organisations of Africa namely Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram with their various factions due to their transnational classification.

March 14, 2022

