India’s internal security situation in 2011 was relatively better than in previous years. To ensure that 2012 also turns out to be a quiet and secure year, New Delhi not only has to consolidate the gains made in 2011 but also undertake new initiatives to address these gaps.
In the wake of the resolution of several contentious issues, India and Bangladesh must cooperate to create a border that not only enhances trade efficiency but is also secure.
If India’s coastal security has to become strong, it is essential for the police forces in the coastal states to shed their land centric outlook and turn their attention to coastal security duties as well.
The Andaman and Nicobar islands are of immense strategic significance for India. The geographical configuration and the location of the island chain in the Bay of Bengal safeguards India's eastern seaboard as well the approaches to the Indian Ocean from the east. Its proximity to the Southeast Asian region enables India to forge friendly relations with its Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) neighbours. The physical isolation and remoteness of the archipelago, however, make it vulnerable to conventional and non-conventional threats.
With a friendly dispensation in Dhaka, it is an opportune moment for India to deliver on its promise to exchange the enclaves and surrender adverse possessions.
Publisher: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses 2010
This book is an attempt to bring together documents and reports published by the government on border management. The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of the problems India faces in managing its borders and its approach towards the challenge.
India’s Internal Security: The Year That Was, The Year That May Be
India’s internal security situation in 2011 was relatively better than in previous years. To ensure that 2012 also turns out to be a quiet and secure year, New Delhi not only has to consolidate the gains made in 2011 but also undertake new initiatives to address these gaps.
The India-Bangladesh Border: A New Beginning
In the wake of the resolution of several contentious issues, India and Bangladesh must cooperate to create a border that not only enhances trade efficiency but is also secure.
Why India’s Coastal Security Arrangement Falters?
If India’s coastal security has to become strong, it is essential for the police forces in the coastal states to shed their land centric outlook and turn their attention to coastal security duties as well.
India-China Relations: The Border Issue and Beyond by Mohan Guruswamy and Zorawar Daulet Singh
Viva Books Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2009, pp. 217, Rs 795, ISBN 8130911957
Securing the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
The Andaman and Nicobar islands are of immense strategic significance for India. The geographical configuration and the location of the island chain in the Bay of Bengal safeguards India's eastern seaboard as well the approaches to the Indian Ocean from the east. Its proximity to the Southeast Asian region enables India to forge friendly relations with its Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) neighbours. The physical isolation and remoteness of the archipelago, however, make it vulnerable to conventional and non-conventional threats.
Managing India’s Borders: Lessons from the US Experience
Chairperson: Shri Naveen Verma, National Security Council
Discussants: Professor Chintamani Mahapatra and Shri K Srinivasan
Enclaves and Adverse Possessions: Time to deliver on the promise
With a friendly dispensation in Dhaka, it is an opportune moment for India to deliver on its promise to exchange the enclaves and surrender adverse possessions.
Need to secure the Lakshadweep Islands
While India is augmenting the security of the Lakshadweep islands, implementation of the coastal security scheme on the ground has been slow.
India’s Border Management: Select Documents
This book is an attempt to bring together documents and reports published by the government on border management. The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of the problems India faces in managing its borders and its approach towards the challenge.
Securing Andaman and Nicobar islands
Chairperson: Admiral (Retd.) P S Das
Discussants: Cmde Ashok Sawhney and Cdr Shishir Upadhyaya