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  • Bangladesh: A Fragile Democracy

    Bangladesh: A Fragile Democracy

    Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

    ISBN: 81-7541-165-1

    Rs 395

    US $ 30


    Russia China Relations: Relevance for India

    Russia China Relations: Relevance for India

    Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

    ISBN: 81-7541-189-9

    Rs 650

    US $ 55


    India and Central Asia: Advancing the Common Interest

    Publishers: IDSA and Anamaya

    ISBN: 81-88342-27-0

    Rs. 650.00


    The Northeast Complexities and its Determinants

    The Northeast Complexities and its Determinants

    Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

    ISBN: 81-7541-187-2

    Rs 350

    US $ 35


    Asian Security and China 2000-2010

    Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

    ISBN: 81-7541-167-8

    Rs 1250

    US $ 80


    Cryptology, Digital Assassination and the Terrorism Futures Market

    A recent news item indicated that the US Government had been planning a website that would enable people to place bets on the likelihood of terrorist events. It was hoped that a study of market trends would enable intelligence agencies to anticipate and prevent such events.

    April 2004

    Proliferation Security Initiative: An Assessment

    Proliferation of WMDs is a grave threat to mankind, be it their flow to ‘irresponsible states’ or to terrorists. Charged by its perception of vulnerability, the US has initiated the Proliferation Security Initiative; seeking involvement of ‘key’ states for interdiction of ‘suspect ships’ at sea. In its present form, PSI is contrary to the principle of ‘Freedom of the Seas’. Further, its operational efficacy is doubtful and it has an escalatory potential. However, bilateral arrangements as an extension of PSI may lawfully supplement global non-proliferation efforts.

    April 2004

    Energy and Security in a Changing World

    The centre of gravity of global economic growth is rapidly shifting to the Asian continent. The transition is led by China and India which have propelled themselves onto a robust growth trajectory to be fuelled by affordable energy supplies. These developments have been accompanied by a fortuitous but significant growth in the sources of global energy supply, thanks to the re-emergence of Russia as the new petrostate and the discovery of substantial energy deposits in the Caspian and Central Asian Republics.

    April 2004

    Pakistan’s ‘Sustainable Democracy’: Army as the Political Architect

    Any study of political developments in Pakistan cannot be complete without examining the role of the Army. Though it might seem incompatible to talk of military and democracy in the same breadth, Pakistan provides an example of how the military has been able to govern the country as successfully as a civilian government. It has its own view of democracy, political stability and governance. It feels it has a political role which stems from the national security paradigm of the state.

    April 2004

