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  • Deflecting the Assassin’s Mace: The Pentagon’s New AirSea Battle Concept and its Strategic Relevance to India

    Indian strategists may well find that many of the tactical quandaries faced today by the US carrier fleets cruising through the Asia Pacific are destined to become those of the Indian Navy in the not-too-distant future. Devising an AirSea Battle concept would enable it to parry blows and reassert sea control.

    July 07, 2010

    US Sanctions on Iran and their Impact on India

    Will the recent US Treasury sanctions and impending Congress sanctions on Iran influence Indian companies from doing business with the Islamic Republic?

    June 21, 2010

    Economic Crises, Currencies and Geopolitical Turning Points

    The serial financial crises have exposed deep fault lines in the international financial system, and have prompted a search for a better and more stable global financial structure.

    June 14, 2010

    Countering the Naxals

    The Grid-Guard-Govern strategy would do away with the sequential application of socio-economic solutions by undertaking security-led governance cum development action.

    June 11, 2010

    Promises, Compromises and a Tie-Breaker: NPT RevCon 2010 was an Otiose Event

    The RevCon, after abundant manoeuvring and political one-upmanship, finalised quite ‘consensually’ a much diluted and defeatist document that promises to ensure that disarmament remains a dream.

    June 09, 2010

    Peacekeeping Partnerships: Cooperation or Conflict

    This paper seeks to understand the nature of cooperation between the UN and other IGOs in ongoing conflicts. It will examine the security framework in which these multilateral arrangements were created, the gaps they were trying to cover, and the problems and areas of opportunities.

    May 24, 2010

    Humanitarian Diplomacy & Failed States: Case Study of the WFP Operations in Somalia

    Most aid groups have pulled out of Somalia because of the continuing dangers. Yet, the World Food Program (WFP) continues to operate in the region, and has been doing so for the past two decades.

    May 07, 2010

    Anti-Naxal Operations: Employment of Armed Forces

    Whereas employing Armed Forces may appear to be an attractive idea to control the naxal menace, the adverse effects of their long term commitment, particularly of the Army, need to be understood.

    May 04, 2010

    The ICC's Role in Sudan: Peace versus Justice

    In order for ICC jurisdiction to truly have a sway it needs to be credible as a deterrence mechanism, and it should keep track of the political strategies used by various actors to resist a tribunal.

    April 28, 2010

    Likely Impact of Current Developments on the Pakistani State and its Army

    India has very little leverages in shaping a peaceful, stable and friendly Pakistan but its own progress can make Pakistani society, fearful of being left behind, force a change in the state’s policy orientation.

    April 19, 2010

