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  • Integrated Rocket Force: A Timely Idea

    The Pralay surface-to-surface ballistic missile with a range of 150–500 kms can be the focal point of an Integrated Rocket Force and provide critical deterrent capabilities.

    January 24, 2023

    US–Saudi Tensions: Implications for the Petrodollar System

    The petrodollar system that came into existence in the 1970s has come under stress, with oil being traded increasingly in non-US denominated currencies.

    January 18, 2023

    Understanding China–Russia Cooperation in the Arctic

    The Ukraine crisis, shifting geopolitical alliances in the Indo-Pacific and Western-imposed economic sanctions on Russia have strengthened China–Russia cooperation in the Arctic.

    January 10, 2023

    Two to Tango: Xi Jinping’s Visit to Riyadh

    Xi’s visit to Riyadh builds on the strong economic engagements between China and Saudi Arabia.

    January 05, 2023

    ADMM-Plus and India’s Act East Policy

    The ADMM-Plus offers India and ASEAN opportunities to develop practical collaboration on security issues ranging from terrorism, maritime threats and other non-traditional threats.

    December 16, 2022

    No Money for Terror: Challenges and Way Ahead

    International cooperation is the key to curbing the menace of terrorism finance more effectively.

    December 09, 2022

    Embedded Rivalry: Technology as an Arbiter in US–China Great Power Competition

    Technology as an Arbiter of the US–China great power rivalry is starkly visible in both countries' recently released national security documents.

    November 22, 2022

    Israel–Lebanon Maritime Boundary Agreement: An Assessment

    The Lebanon–Israel maritime boundary agreement promotes the rule of international law and regional economic cooperation.

    November 11, 2022

    PLA Western Theatre Command Lays Stress on Joint Operations Capabilities

    The PLA Western Theatre Command has focused on joint operations capabilities to counter the perceived lack of air superiority and information dominance in the theatre, which it believes is required for strike operations.

    November 02, 2022

    One Year of AUKUS: An Assessment of Progress and Challenges

    AUKUS illustrates the growing strategic depth between the US and Australia, the UK’s return to ‘East of Suez’ and Australia’s attempts to revolutionise its defence industrial base.

    November 02, 2022

