Barcelona Attacks: India has Cause for Disquiet

It is perhaps time to regulate incendiary sermons which radicalise vulnerable sections of society.

September 12, 2017

Venezuela’s Political Crisis: Continuing Chaos

While the willingness of the Maduro regime to silence the opposition is cause for concern, far more worrying is the prospect of the new Constituent Assembly rewriting the Constitution to eliminate the last vestiges of democratic checks and balances.

August 09, 2017

Transfer of Defence Technology: Moving beyond Self-Reliance towards Technological Superiority

Foreign collaborations optimised for profit, risk-sharing and a common goal of achieving technological superiority could well enable India to break into the global market in select areas.

July 31, 2017

The Protracted Brazilian Crisis

In the backdrop of various corruption scandals marring the political scenario in Brazil, the 2018 general elections will probably be marked by uncertainties and contradictions of the competing coalition politics.

July 21, 2017

China-Pakistan Water Axis on the Indus

Consisting of five major hydropower projects including the Diamer Bhasha Dam, the North Indus Cascade will cut across Gilgit Baltistan as well as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

July 19, 2017

EMBRAER: Brazil’s Aviation Success Story

It is difficult for India’s aviation sector to replicate EMBRAER’s success without perhaps a reorientation of priorities.

July 03, 2017

Unpacking China’s White Paper on Maritime Cooperation under BRI

The vision document considers maritime security cooperation as a lynchpin in the MSR and attempts to redesign the existing maritime security architecture in the oceanic arena of MSR.

June 28, 2017

Does Acquisition of Critical Technologies through ToT truly benefit India?

While developing critical defence technologies has undeniable benefits, their acquisition through Transfers of Technology brings numerous complexities and eventually may deliver limited benefits.

June 20, 2017

Paraguay’s Military: Internal Security Challenges vs Bloc Obsolescence

Paraguay’s military faces the twin challenges of maintaining internal and external security, and fighting narco-trafficking while facing bloc obsolescence of its existing assets.

June 12, 2017

India Gears Up to Enter the Eurasian Integration Path

As India enters the Eurasian integration path, it needs to be aware that there is an emerging trend in favour of intra-regional cooperation in Central Asia.

June 07, 2017

