India’s Defence Budget 2017-18: An Analysis

While certain changes in the format of the defence Demand for Grants have brought even more complexity to the task of estimating India’s official defence budget, the fact remains that there has only been a meagre increase of 5 per cent which is grossly inadequate to keep the Armed Forces in fighting form.

February 03, 2017

Suriname’s Armed Forces – Capability Compromised

Suriname’s national army remains critically deficient in terms of air transport and maritime surveillance aircraft. It is an open question whether country’s armed forces will prove equal to the task of combating transnational organised crime.

February 02, 2017

Defence Budget 2017-18: What the Macro-Economic Factors Foretell

If the defence expenditure relationship to the GDP of 1.65 per cent is maintained, we may see a budget estimate (BE) for defence expenditure of Rs. 285,000 crores, against the current year BE of Rs. 249,099 crores.

January 31, 2017

New Year Attack in Istanbul: Predictable and Preventable!

While the New Year attack in Istanbul underscores Turkey’s endemic vulnerabilities, India too needs to be on guard. Messaging by the ISIS is often followed by action.

January 30, 2017

Defence Modernisation: A Silver Lining in the Dark Clouds?

The presentation of the Union budget on February 1 is expected to ensure full utilisation of allocated funds and will ensure that ‘New Schemes’ can be processed, approved and contracted from April 1, 2017.

January 27, 2017

China’s White Paper on Asia Pacific Security Cooperation: An Assessment

Through this white paper, China has affirmed its regional ambitions and aims to shape the regional security agenda in the Asia Pacific on its stated terms.

January 19, 2017

Destination India for Global Conference on Cyberspace 2017

The 2017 Conference also comes at a time when the existing international discourses on securing cyberspace, whether it be the UNGGE process or the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), seem to be unable to cope with the accelerated developments in cyberspace.

January 16, 2017

China’s 2016 Space White Paper: An Appraisal

While the December 2016 White Paper sheds enough light on China’s growing ambitions in the space sector, it at the same time only reveals what China wants the rest of the world to know.

January 06, 2017

China’s Creeping Maritime Assertiveness

The Chinese stance towards the December 15, 2016 incident relating to the seizure of USN UUV by PLA Navy has been extraordinarily ambiguous.

January 03, 2017

Cross-Strait Relations: The Lull before the Storm?

The new direction of Cross-Strait relations, for better or worse, is largely expected only after the 19th CPC Congress in October-November 2017.

November 23, 2016

