Air Defence Command – A Bold Test Case

The proposal to create an Air Defence Command is a bold move. Rather than resorting to less contentious issues to commence the integration process, the CDS has selected a very pertinent and significant operational issue. However, the way the proposed Air Defence Command is structured will be crucial as it will set the tone for further integration of all three services.

January 27, 2020

Kudankulam: One Incident, Many Facets

The existing approach to cyber security is heavily tilted towards practising deterrence by denial, essentially by building defences. However, the concept of deterrence needs further tweaking to make it workable in cyberspace.

December 16, 2019

Aircraft Carriers – The Keystone to India’s Maritime Security

Considering the wide expanse to be covered on both sides of the Indian Peninsula, and the possibility of concurrent operations on either side, it is imperative that India maintains an operational carrier battle group on both sides, and at all times.

October 30, 2019

‘No First Use’ is Not Sacrosanct: Need a Theatre-Specific Posture for Flexible Options

Nuclear doctrines and postures are dynamic processes that evolve with the security environment. Twenty years after India’s nuclear doctrine was first drafted, the time is ripe for a comprehensive review and suitable revisions.

August 27, 2019

India’s Defence Budget 2019-20

With the latest Union budget keeping the MoD interim allocation unchanged, the MoD has an uphill task in managing its resources and in funding its modernisation programmes.

July 08, 2019

Rising US-Iran Hostilities and Challenges for India

While India is likely to meet the shortfall in its crude oil imports, the Trump administration’s sanctions on Iran have the potential to either seriously damage India’s ties with Iran or hinder the strategic partnership with the United States.

May 24, 2019

Is Indian Military Aviation Reorienting?

For the first time in the history of military aviation in India, helicopters have surpassed fighter aircraft in terms of sheer numbers. Are the Indian Armed Forces reorienting for helicopter dominated air operations?

May 07, 2019

India’s Tryst with 5G

A slight push in the right direction would be much more productive and efficient, such as treating telecommunications as a utility rather than a market, and building innovation and IPR ecosystems rather than incentivizing licensed production.

March 20, 2019

Border is the core of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Rather than frittering away its limited leverage on issues such as refugees, settlements or borders, the international community should focus on borders as a means of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by posing a simple question to Israel: where do you begin, and where do you end?

March 05, 2019

MMRCA Mess and the Need for Professionalism in the Defence Acquisition Process

The CAG report relating to the Indian Air Force has highlighted various anomalies and the unprofessional manner in which defence acquisitions are handled.

February 22, 2019

