Defence Budget: Beyond the Numbers

Objectives and resources have to be in sync with each other and if adequate resources cannot be provided objectives have to be suitably recalibrated and alternative ways found to achieve them.

April 16, 2018

Oli’s India visit: Resetting bilateral relations for mutual benefit

The purposes of the visit have been achieved and a new phase of relationship has begun with India acknowledging Nepal as an ‘equal partner’.

April 11, 2018

Will North Korea Denuclearise?

Kim will drive the hardest bargain possible and be willing to make only small concessions like maintaining some type of a freeze on future tests of missiles and nuclear weapons.

April 09, 2018

Crippling the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force

The Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force officer corps has a challenging task at hand to preserve the operational capability of the force as well as address the genuine concerns being expressed by their subordinates.

April 09, 2018

DefExpo 2018: Making India a Defence Manufacturing Hub and an Exporter of Arms

The challenge lies in demonstrating to potential importers that India, currently the world’s largest arms importer, has the capacity to manufacture and export the equipment required by their armed forces.

April 09, 2018

Draft Defence Production Policy 2018: Challenges Galore

The Draft Defence Production Policy 2018, which aims to promote the Make in India initiative in the defence sector and create a world-class arms manufacturing base, faces a number of challenges, which, if left unaddressed, may limit its usefulness.

April 04, 2018

Promises Galore in the Draft Defence Production Policy 2018

The promises contained in the recently released draft are so intertwined that a comprehensive action plan would be required to implement all of them almost simultaneously for achieving the policy objective.

April 02, 2018

Influencing Electoral Outcomes: The Ugly Face of Facebook

The Cambridge Analytica episode highlights the need to expedite the process of developing a data protection framework and probably amend the IT Act in accordance with the changing realities of cyberspace.

March 26, 2018

Why wait for the elusive tipping point in cyber?

The UNGGE process is the least bad option to keep open channels and maintain continued focus on securing cyberspace.

March 21, 2018

Xi Sets China on a New Long March

Xi rides the Dragon which is externally formidable but internally fragile. He is aware of the consequences of his policies going awry.

March 14, 2018

