Chaman–Spin Boldak Unrest: A Border Crisis Reignites

The Pakistan–Afghanistan border standoff threatens livelihoods as well as regional stability.

September 20, 2024

China’s Strategic Assessment of Japan

Chinese policymakers’ distrust of Japan could deepen the political chasm between the two countries, as Japan is at the cusp of a leadership change.

September 18, 2024

शेख हसीना का राजनीतिक अवसान: एक विश्लेषण

बांग्लादेश में शेख हसीना की सत्ता से बेदखली के एक महीने पूरे होने के बाद भी अंतरिम सरकार देश में वृहद सुधारों का रोडमैप प्रस्तुत करने में विफल रही है|

September 09, 2024

पाकिस्तान के बलूचिस्तान में बी.एल.ए. की बढ़ती ताकत

बी.एल.ए. के हालिया ऑपरेशन हेरोफ़ ने इस्लामाबाद एवं रावलपिंडी स्थित राजनीतिक एवं सैन्य एस्टाब्लिश्मेंट को अन्दर से झकझोर कर रख दिया है|

September 06, 2024

The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: AI in the Balance

The EU Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act fills a major regulatory gap for AI usage today and assigns robust compliance standards.

September 05, 2024

China’s Informationised Combat Capabilities

China’s establishment of the PLA Information Support Force (ISF) in April 2024 is a move to ensure information dominance and military modernisation.

August 28, 2024

Fumio Kishida’s Legacy and Likely Prospects for Japan’s Next PM

Fumio Kishida can justly be regarded as a worthy inheritor of Shinzo Abe’s key policies.

August 23, 2024

Ukraine's Strategic Push in Africa

Ukraine's renewed focus on Africa starkly contrasts with Russia's entrenched relationships across the continent.

August 21, 2024

Saudi Arabia and the Israel–Hamas War

The Israel–Hamas War has posed significant political and security challenges for Saudi Arabia.

August 20, 2024

Cambodia’s Funan-Techno Canal Project and Regional Concerns

Regional countries such as Vietnam have expressed environmental and security-related concerns as regards the Chinese-funded Funan-Techno Canal in Cambodia.

August 09, 2024

