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Book Discussion: China Behind The Miracle Authored by Sumita Dawra January 04, 2016 1515-1630hrs Book Discussion Forum

Venue: Board Room, IDSA

About the Author

Ms. Sumita Dawra is an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer of Andhra Pradesh cadre and has experience of more than two decades in public administration and worked extensively at all levels of governance in India. She was posted in China (2011-2014) as the head of the economic wing in the Indian Embassy, Beijing. She authored the bestselling book on public policy, Poor but Spirited in Karimnagar: Field Notes of a Civil Servant, published by Harper Collins (India: 2012).

About the Book

‘China: Behind the Miracle’ is an easy-to-read, comprehensive account of the economic story of China. It explains various aspects of the Chinese economy in ten chapters, using examples from a particular city or region. The book will walk the reader through the Chinese economic landscape, the economy’s strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Most people world-over have a single dimensional understanding of China as a country with cheap labour-driven manufacturing and exports. This book will enable a multi-dimensional understanding of China as a country which unleashed its economic growth through a cleverly driven strategy of inviting foreign investments to leverage on a supply of cheap land and labour, while encouraging domestic enterprises to become big and absorb foreign technologies. A country that is now transitioning from an old investment heavy, export driven growth model to one driven by higher value addition in manufacturing, services and a strong domestic demand.

The book will help the readers understand what is happening in present day China, while realistically helping them develop their own insights into the Chinese miracle and its future. Anyone reading this simple tale of China told by an Indian civil servant will soon feel competent to answer seemingly complex questions on the Chinese economy, in an objective and simple manner. I can surely promise that on this journey for the readers!

Some of the questions the book addresses:
How does Beijing drive extraordinary models of growth?
How did infrastructure drive China to achieve dizzying heights of growth? Where is China today in terms of financial liberalization?
Why does the ‘factory of the world’ need reform today?
What attracts multinational corporations to China? How do Chinese cities promote culture and tourism?
How does strategic Chinese outbound investment push local Chinese business interests? What is the status of health systems in China?
What is China’s secret growth mantra? What are the country’s present economic vulnerabilities?
How is China boosting its agriculture to support a billion plus population on limited arable land?
Can China really look for growth opportunities while correcting its regional imbalances?
Are big-ticket infrastructure projects and urbanization critical for China’s economic growth?
What peculiar growth and development strategy helped China raise hundreds of millions above poverty line?

East Asia
Publications on Display at World Book Fair January 09, 2016 to January 17, 2016 1100 hrs Other

The Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) cordially invites you to the display of its publications for sale at the World Book Fair, 2016, being organised by National Book Trust, India and sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource, Department of Higher Education, Government of India from January 9-17, 2016 at Hall No 18, Stall No.129, Pragati Maidan.

The IDSA publications on display will include journals, books, monographs, project reports and occasional papers etc.

Talk by Vijay Kumar on Flying Robots December 29, 2015 Vijay Kumar 1000 hrs Round Table

Speaker: Dr. Vijay Kumar is from Penn Engineering, University of Pennsylvania

Talk by Sajjad Zahir on "The Liberation War of 1971" December 18, 2015 1600 hrs Other

Venue: Board Room, IDSA

South Asia
Talk by Claude Arpi on "Infrastructure and other Developments in Tibetan Plateau" December 14, 2015 3.00-4.30pm Other

Venue: Board Room, IDSA


2015 is a special year for Tibet. Not only did Beijing celebrate the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR), but Premier Li Keqiang mentioned Tibet in his Work Report at the NPC in March; important visits of senior leaders to the region took place (Yu Zhengsheng, Sun Chunlan, Wang Yang, Gen Xu Qiliang, Du Qinglin ); Vice-Premier Wang Yang visited Lhasa (August 17-18), just a week before the two-day Sixth Tibet Work Forum (on August 24 and 25) which decided the future directions for the Roof of the World. The lecture will focus on the infrastructure developments in the plateau (airports, roads, railway, hydropower plants, etc.) and the latest happenings in the political scene.

East Asia
Re-Modeling Indian Defence Industry Apparatus For Accelerating Indigenisation, Self-Sufficiency And Strategic Capability December 11, 2015 Ranjit Ghosh 1030 to 1300 hrs Fellows' Seminar Defence Economics & Industry
Culture, Context and Capability: American and Indian Counterinsurgencies December 11, 2015 Ayesha Ray 1030 to 1300 hrs Fellows' Seminar North American
11th IDSA-IPIS Bilateral Dialogue - Geo-Strategic Dynamics in West Asia: India-Iran Cooperation December 03, 2015 to December 04, 2015 1030 to 1300 hrs Bilateral

The Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), in collaboration with Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS), Tehran is organizing a two day bilateral dialogue on 3-4 December 2015 at the IDSA. The forthcoming bilateral dialogue (11th in the series), will focus on “Geo-Strategic Dynamics in West Asia: India-Iran Cooperation”.

Concept Note

Major developments are taking place in the geo-political landscape of the West Asian region. Amidst the great uncertainty, the region has become the epicentre of the global attention. In past three years, the conflict in Iraq and Syria have intensified, the Yemen crisis continues to persist without any solution, and violent activities of Daesh ( or IS) and its increasing influence beyond the West Asian region has become a major challenge. Besides, Russia’s renewed interest and military intervention in Syria to fight Daesh has exposed the region to completely new situation reflecting the complexities of external interventions. The Iran-US détente has been a positive development in the region. However, the future of Iran-US relations is not yet very clear. These new developments have exposed India and Iran to completely new set of challenges, issues and conditions.

India and Iran have a long history of engagement. Over the past few years, both countries have been struggling to manage their energy and economic ties under the shadow of the US and EU sanctions. The new regional situation is, however, much more amenable for constructive engagement between Iran and India. Iran’s improving ties with the US, its growing regional profile, and India’s deep desire to cement its ties with Iran offer great potential for enhanced cooperation between India and Iran.

These new developments demand a fresh look at the bilateral relations between India and Iran in the context of the regional geopolitical complexities. More importantly, the current uncertainties in Afghanistan and Pakistan and increasing violence and upsurge of extremist forces like Daesh in West Asian region are not in the interests of India and Iran. These emerging new security challenges in the region demand India and Iran to jointly address these common challenges and work towards cementing their bilateral ties. Both countries are important regional actors and can play a significant role in maintaining regional security.

It is in this context that IDSA and IPIS have decided to host the 11th Bilateral Dialogue on the theme “Geo-Strategic Dynamics in West Asia: India-Iran Cooperation”. In past, the IDSA-IPIS Strategic dialogues at Track II level have provided a platform for Indian and Iranian experts to exchange ideas on regional security and how they affect India-Iran bilateral relations. The dialogue will deliberate on the following issues over two sessions:

Session I: Changing Security Paradigm in West Asia and Afghanistan

Session II: India-Iran Engagement after Nuclear Deal: prospects and Challenges

Tentative Programme

Day I - Thursday, December 03, 2015

1500-1505hrs: Registration & Tea

1505-1530hrs: Inaugural Session
Welcome & Opening Remarks by Shri Jayant Prasad, Director General, IDSA
Remarks by Dr Mostafa Zahrani, Director General, IPIS
Keynote Address by Mr Gopal Baglay, JS (PAI & STATES), Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.

1530-1730 hrs: Session I: Changing Security Paradigm in West Asia and Afghanistan

Chair: Dr Mostafa Zahrani
Shri Jayant Prasad
Dr Gholam Ali Chegnizadeh
Shri Sanjay Singh
Dr Mostafa Zahrani

Day II - Friday, December 04, 2015

0945-1000hrs: Tea

1000-1300hrs: Session II: India-Iran Engagement after Nuclear Deal: Prospects and Challenges

Chair: Shri Jayant Prasad
Amb Mahmoud Moosavi Khameneh
Shri Dinkar Prakash Srivastava
Mr Mohammad Hossein Shojai
Dr Meena Singh Roy
Mr Mohammad Javad Shariati
Dr M. Mahtab Alam Rizvi

1300-1400hrs: Lunch

Eurasia & West Asia
Perspectives in India-Taiwan Relations in Asia and Beyond: The Future December 08, 2015 Conference

A Seminar Jointly organised by Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre (TECC), New Delhi


9.30 AM-10.00 AM: Registration

Inaugural Session: 10.00 AM-10.30AM:

Chair &Welcome Remarks: Amb. Jayant Prasad, Director General, IDSA
Remarks: H.E. Chung –Kwang Tien, Representative, TECC
Speech: Mr. Theodore Huang, Chairman TECO Group and Honorary Chairman, Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce (CNIAC)
Key Note Speaker: TBC

Session-I: 10.30-11.45AM: India and Taiwan: Mutual Perspectives

Chair: Prof Alka Acharya, Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), Delhi
Prof B. R. Deepak, JNU: India and Taiwan: From Benign Neglect to Pragmatism
Dr. Francis Yi-hua Kan, IIR, NCCU, Taiwan: The Ma-Xi Summit and Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations: Implications for India’s Role in East Asia”.
Dr. Prashant Kumar Singh, IDSA:Creating Framework for India-Taiwan Relations
Dr. Jabin Jacob, ICS: India-Taiwan Relations: Constrained or Self-Constraining?
Dr. Ritu Aggarwal, JNU: Two Democracies, Two Governing Systems: Viewing Taiwan from India.
Discussant: Dr. Tuan Yao Cheng, University of Kang-Ning

Session-II: 11.45AM-1.15PM: TPP, RCEP and India-Taiwan in Regional Integration

Chair: Dr. Lee Chun, WTO and RTA Center, CIER, Taipei
Dr. Jagannath Panda, IDSA: India, Taiwan and Emerging Institutions in Asia and Beyond
Dr. Kristy Tsun-Tzu Hsu, CIER, Taiwan: India-Taiwan Partnership in the Asian Era
Dr. T.G. Suresh, JNU: India and Taiwan: Emergence of a New Economic Convergence
Dr. Arvind Yelery, ICS: India-Taiwan Economic Relations: Building Synergies for Regional Economic Integration
Mr. Sanjay Pulipaka, ICRIER: Approaches to Regionalism: India and Taiwan
Discussant: Dr. Lee Chun

1.15PM-2.15 PM: Lunch Break

Session-III: 2.15-3.20PM: India and Taiwan’s Role in Asian Regional Peace
and Stability

Chair: Prof. Manoj Joshi, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi
Prof Srikanth Kondapalli, JNU:India and Taiwan in Asian Peace and Stability
Dr. Fu-Kuo Liu, NCCU, Taiwan: Maritime Security and the Indo-Pacific Security Link: India and Taiwan's Strategic Reorientation
Dr. Udai Bhanu Singh, IDSA: Taiwan and the “Indo-Pacific/Asia Pacific Context
Dr. Cherian Samuel, IDSA: India-Taiwan Cyber-Security Cooperation

3.20– 3.30 PM Coffee/Tea Break

3.30- 4.45 PM: Panel Discussion: Enhancing India-Taiwan Partnership and
Cooperation from the Global Perspectives

Chair: Amb P Stobdan, Senior Fellow, IDSA
Theodore Huang, Chairman TECO Group and Honorary Chairman, CNIAC
Prof. Sreemati Chakrabarti, Delhi University (DU), Delhi
Dr. Tuan Yao Cheng, University of Kang-Ning
Dr. Francis Yi-hua Kan, National Cheng-Chi University (NCCU), Taiwan
Prof. Srikanth Kondapalli, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi
Amb (retd.) R. Rajagopalan, Former Ambassador of India
Dr. Fu-Kuo Liu, National Cheng-Chi University (NCCU), Taiwan
Mr Manoj Joshi, Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi
Dr. Kristy Tsun-Tzu Hsu, Taiwan ASEAN Studies Centre, Taipei

4.50-5 PM: Concluding Remarks: Shri Jayant Prasad, DG IDSA

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East Asia
Sixth Y.B. Chavan Memorial Lecture - Make in India: The Way Ahead for Indigenous Defence Production in India December 07, 2015 1600 to 1715 hrs Speeches and Lectures

Speaker : Shri AK Gupta, Secretary (Defence Production), Ministry of Defence, Government of India

Topic : Make in India: The Way Ahead for Indigenous Defence Production in India

Chair : Shri Jayant Prasad

Venue : IDSA Auditorium

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1600-1605: Welcome Address by Shri Jayant Prasad, DG, IDSA

1605-1610: Address by Representative of Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan, Mumbai

1610-1640: Lecture by Shri AK Gupta, Secretary (Defence Production), Ministry of Defence, Government of India

1640-1645: Remarks by Chair, Shri Jayant Prasad

1645-1715: Question and Answer Session

1715: Vote of Thanks by Col Vivek Chadha (Retd), Research Fellow, IDSA

1720: Refreshments

