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  • Accelerating India's “Look West Policy” in the Gulf

    The Gulf region is important for India because of increased cooperation in the fields of trade, business, politics and security. The "Look West Policy" intends to further deepen India's engagement with its "extended neighbourhood."

    February 04, 2011

    The Arab tumult in its wider meaning

    The threat of extremism has been used too long to deny democracy. Instead, democratisation is a possible antidote for extremism.

    February 04, 2011

    The Crisis in Egypt and its Impact on the Oil Market

    The political unrest in Egypt has shaken the world oil market and triggered fears of long-lasting economic damage if the crisis were to deepen.

    February 04, 2011

    An appraisal of Norway’s Role in Sri Lanka

    Karuna’s revelation that Norway provided funds for the LTTE to purchase lethal weapons has revived the focus on that country’s role in the Sri Lankan ethnic conflict.

    February 03, 2011

    Naga Peace Negotiations and the NSCN (IM)’s Significant Shift in Posture

    The NSCN (IM) leadership's acceptance of Indian passports reflects a significant shift from its earlier political posture of an independent sovereign Naga homeland.

    February 02, 2011

    Disarmament’s ‘Lost Decade’

    The paralysis at the Conference on Disarmament (CD) captures the state of affairs that has bedevilled the field of arms control/disarmament during the last 10 years.

    February 02, 2011

    Hu Jintao’s State Visit to the United States: An attempt to put the Sino-US narrative in place

    While the Chinese president’s trip concluded with a joint statement and the signing of trade and investment deals, it achieved little in terms of addressing pressing global problems and bilateral issues.

    February 01, 2011

    Optimising Stress in Sub-Conventional Warfare

    Optimising Stress in Sub-Conventional Warfare

    On an average we have been having about 100 suicide cases a year in the past four to five years, so this year has been the same. Mainly it is in insurgency-hit areas, but suicides are also happening in areas where there is no insurgency.

    India in Afghanistan: Engagement without Strategy

    India needs to engage countries in the region to ensure that the transition process in Afghanistan does not threaten regional stability.

    January 28, 2011

    Managing the 3Ms of Military Readiness

    Money, manpower and material (3Ms) determine a state's capacity to leverage its hard power for fulfilling its national security objectives.

    January 28, 2011

