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  • EU needs Turkey more than ever before

    With Turkey’s accession negotiations for EU membership going nowhere, Ankara is pursuing other diplomatic options.

    March 07, 2011

    Kan Naoto’s Uncertain Political Future

    Japanese Prime Minister Kan Naoto is walking a tight rope with plunging popularity and growing demands for his resignation.

    March 07, 2011

    Did India Change its Nuclear Doctrine?: Much Ado about Nothing

    Fears by some analysts that India has recently altered its nuclear doctrine, and particularly its no first use policy, are unfounded.

    March 01, 2011

    Addressing Stress-Related Issues in Army

    Addressing Stress-Related Issues in Army

    The stress-related issues in a soldier's life are closely linked with welfare and need to be addressed most sincerely by all agencies concerned with the welfare of soldiers.

    China’s Worried Response to the Uprisings in the Middle East

    The success of popular movements in the Middle East has raised the apprehensions of the Chinese Communist Party, which has been reminded of its own weakness.

    February 25, 2011

    No Solution in Sight for Russo-Japanese Territorial Dispute

    Russia has renewed its efforts to reconfirm its territorial claim over the southern Kuril Islands, also claimed by Japan and known as the Northern Territories..

    February 24, 2011

    Public Finance and National Security: Deficit Reduction and the American Military in a Time of Diminished Resources

    The United States faces a budget crisis of proportions with no precedent in its recent history. The country’s economic dominance since the end of World War II has supported a military posture with global reach and influence.

    February 24, 2011

    Defence Budget 2011-12 should go beyond Fiscal Austerity

    Ground reality rather than fiscal prudence should guide the Finance Minister while finalising the defence budget for 2011-12.

    February 23, 2011

    Maoists’ Abduction Tactic

    Abduction is a Maoist tactic to arm-twist the government and secure the release of imprisoned comrades as well as make some tactical gains by placing demands that could be projected as pro-people.

    February 23, 2011

    Pakistan’s Annual Deception

    2011 began on a sombre note for arms control, nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament with Pakistan once again blocking negotiations for a FMCT

    February 23, 2011

