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  • Sharanjit Singh asked: How can joint training be enhanced in the Indian Armed Forces?

    Vivek Chadha replies: The importance and need for enhancing joint training within the armed forces remains a consistent endeavour for the military leadership. The initial experiments during the Second World War led to the cementing of the idea. This saw the creation of integrated geographical commands. Thereafter, it has been a constant challenge to improve the joint capabilities of integrated organisational structures.

    What Should Define Integration of Armed Forces?

    Unless the armed forces and the security establishment take a singular approach to warfighting, which includes evolving a singular concept of warfighting, identifying threats and challenges, and medium and long-term capability development goals, differences that make headlines will continue to recur time and again.

    July 12, 2021

    Shreyash Krishna asked: What is the envisaged role of the border guarding forces such as BSF and ITBP as new theatre commands take shape?

    Vivek Chadha replies: Until recently, the long-standing objective of integration of the armed forces and higher defence organisations, as also enhancing jointness amongst them, had remained largely unfulfilled. Even though some changes came about based on recommendations made in the Kargil Review Committee Report of 1999 and Group of Ministers (GoM) Report of 2001, certain critical aspects such as the appointment of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) and creation of joint commands had continued to linger.

    Anish Singh asked: What is 'joint command' and 'integrated command'? Is there any difference between the two?

    Vivek Chadha replies: The terms ‘joint’ and ‘integrated’ tend to get used interchangeably. However, there is a subtle difference between the two that deserves emphasis.

    Enhancing Jointness in Indian Armed Forces: Case for Unified Commands

    The nature of warfare has undergone a major change over the last few decades, brought about by rapid advancement in technologies combined with changes in doctrines and organisational concepts. This has resulted in enhanced focus on integrated and joint operations. Unified structures have been put in place by all major militaries in the world to optimise their defence capabilities. India appears to be reluctant to adapt wholeheartedly to the changing nature of war-fighting despite facing a wide variety of threats to its internal and external security.

    January 2015

    Theaterised Joint Logistics: A Caliberated Initiation

    Theaterised Joint Logistics: A Caliberated Initiation

    The most successful and efficient methodology being adopted by modern militaries is a logistics system based on theatre or theaterised logistics. In our case, there has hardly been any serious attempt to modify the logistics system which we inherited from the British. The monograph presents short term approach and a medium approach to bring in desired changes in our military logistics system after evaluating the need of the hour.


    Ten Pointers for Transformation

    The Indian Army is undergoing the process of transformation. This, if realised, would become one among the critical factors that will assist India achieve the ability to secure its national interests. A few issues are worth flagging, even as the process is underway.

    December 20, 2011

    Interview with John Warden

    US Air Force Colonel (Retd.) John Warden, who is now Founder and President of Venturist Inc., was interviewed by P.K. Gautam who is a retired Colonel of the Indian Army and currently Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.

    April 21, 2009

    Jointmanship in the Defence Forces : The Way Ahead

    The experience of our Armed Forces during various conflicts has not been a happy one in terms of jointmanship. Each Service has viewed war fighting from its own perspective thus lacking a holistic approach to problems of defence and security. The Kargil crisis of 1999 provided the required political consensus to initiate the desired restructuring of the higher defence organisation and raising of joint structures.

    August 2007

    Jointness: An Indian Strategic Culture Perspective

    Integration of battlefield assets, be it man or machine, has been a time worn cliché in warfare. The orchestration of forces with dissimilar characteristics such as the infantry, charioteers, elephants and cavalry was considered as the spark of a military genius. A few like Alexander or Hannibal distinguished themselves in the art of the set-piece battles, replicated on the modern conventional battlefield.

    August 2007

