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  • Mozambique’s Presidential Elections and Implications for India’s Energy Security

    The results of Mozambique’s presidential elections have key implications not only for regional security in southern Africa but also for India’s quest for energy security.

    October 16, 2024

    Sahel’s Terrorism Problem(s)

    Sahel has supplanted West Asia and North Africa as the region worst affected by terrorism.

    October 11, 2024

    Ukraine's Strategic Push in Africa

    Ukraine's renewed focus on Africa starkly contrasts with Russia's entrenched relationships across the continent.

    August 21, 2024

    Hits and Misses of United States’ Africa Policy under Biden

    The Biden administration’s Africa policy had to contend with military interventions, complex electoral transitions, fragile peace agreements and humanitarian crises.

    August 08, 2024

    Africa and the United Nations Summit of the Future

    The upcoming United Nations Summit of the Future presents a critical opportunity for Africa to advocate for more inclusive and equitable global governance.

    July 09, 2024

    Two Decades of the African Peace and Security Architecture: Call for Reforms

    This article argues for the rethinking of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) and calls for reforms in the wake of APSA’s 20th anniversary since its adoption. The article proposes the adoption of an APSA PLUS approach to allow for structured cooperation with other States and non-State actors beyond the African continent, as well as the expansion of the number and scope of the existing pillars from the current five to six. The findings of this article are intended to offer recommendations on key areas that could benefit from such efforts.

    January-February 2024

