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  • Is Xenophobia Gripping South Africa?

    The recent spate of violence in South Africa appears to be rooted in the country’s failure to fully transform itself in the post-apartheid era. If the government fails to effectively address the issue of rising unemployment and widening socio-economic inequality in the country, the violence is likely to recur from time to time.

    October 04, 2019

    Belt and Road Initiative: An opportunity or risk for Africa?

    China's Belt and Road Initiative helps African countries in reducing the infrastructure gap in the region. However, it also leaves them open to the risk of unsustainable debt.

    April 15, 2019

    Mahesh Belavi asked: What kind of advantages India has over China when it comes to engaging the African countries?

    Anand Kumar replies: India and China excel in different areas while engaging the African countries. China is better placed in terms of funding infrastructure development which it is doing at a massive scale in the continent. Africa has a major deficit of infrastructure and Chinese are presently trying to fill this gap, though questions have been raised about the costing of these projects. In view of limited options, Africa has been relying on Chinese companies to build their infrastructure.

    The New Saudi Initiative of ‘Arab and African Coastal States of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden’

    Facing huge political and security challenges in the Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia now looks westward to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden coast for a new regional security arrangement.

    January 15, 2019

    Great Power Rivalry Reaches Africa

    With John Bolton conceding that the US has limited resources to compete with the tens of billions of dollars that China is pouring into Africa, it is not clear how effective America’s new Africa strategy would prove to be in containing China.

    January 09, 2019

    Modi’s Tour of Africa Revitalises Relations

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent tour of Rwanda, Uganda and South Africa increased to 26 the number of African countries visited by very senior leaders, thus contributing to a significant reduction in India’s visibility deficit in the continent.

    August 21, 2018

