Non-Traditional Security

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  • Strategic Petroleum Reserves: Stocking Oil for Rainy Days

    A strategic petroleum reserve offers India the leverage to be a serious player in the international oil market, as it will have the option to release supplies when prices spike and recharge the reserve when prices are low.

    November 02, 2018

    Caspian Sea Agreement and the International Energy Market

    The value of the Caspian energy reserve lies in its potential to add to global reserves of oil and gas, which, in turn, could bring down costs.

    September 12, 2018

    Kautilya’s Arthashastra: an intellectual portrait: the classical roots of modern politics in India

    The generalist reader, as also those interested in indigenous historical knowledge, owes a debt of gratitude to Professor Subrata K. Mitra and Dr. Michael Liebig for bringing out this remarkable study. This is especially so since the IDSA has been investing for several years now in studying indigenous historical knowledge and its links to modern Indian political thought. Professor Mitra and Dr.

    July 2018

    Whither Oil Prices? India’s Choices

    President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal has sent oil prices soaring again. Even prior to the May 8, 2018 announcement, after falling to below $30 a barrel in early 2016, oil prices were on the boil again, belying the projections of market analysts, including those of the respected International Energy Agency (IEA), that the era of $100 plus per barrel of oil was over. The projections were based on the assumption that nations would move increasingly away from oil—and coal—to meet their carbon mitigation commitments under the Paris Agreement.

    July 2018

    China’s Hydro Ambitions and the Brahmaputra

    The upper riparian China is uniquely positioned to influence the flow of Yarlung Tsangpo/Brahmaputra into lower riparian India. In the absence of a water sharing treaty, the Chinese decision to build more dams on Yarlung/Brahmaputra and continued evasiveness on its long-term plans would remain an issue of major concern for India.

    July 23, 2018

    Iran Sanctions: India’s Options

    Given that Iran accounts for around 10 per cent of India total oil imports, the immediate factor for New Delhi will be to look at various options to deal with the situation without jeopardising its energy security.

    July 12, 2018

    Oil Prices Stumble, but for how long?

    Despite the easing of international crude prices, the central government is unlikely to cut central excise duties since a cut of Re 1 would result in a loss of revenue of Rs. 10,725 crore.

    May 30, 2018

    DPK Pillay

    Research Fellow

    Gas Pipelines—Politics and Rivalries

    In 2012, the International Energy Agency (IEA) in its ‘World Energy Outlook’ said that the world was entering a ‘Golden Age of Gas’. With its lower carbon-emitting properties, gas seemed poised to claim its rightful place in the global energy mix as a bridge between polluting hydrocarbons and green renewables. Moreover, it has all the ingredients to make it as worthy a contender in the energy geopolitical game as did oil a few decades ago.

    January 2018

    India and the International Solar Alliance

    The International Solar Alliance (ISA) Summit on 11 March marks an important milestone in India’s leadership efforts to build a clean and sustainable global energy future.

    March 16, 2018

