Rajeesh Kumar

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  • Dr Rajeesh Kumar is Research Fellow at Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. Click here for detailed profile.

    Panchsheel Was Noble, But Did China Embrace it Ever?

    Before selectively invoking historical contexts and postulates such as Panchsheel, Chinese officials need to ask themselves “do we have the right to say this.”

    August 18, 2017

    Will the Doklam Standoff Lead to a Second India-China War?

    July 18, 2017

    Associate Fellow, IDSA, Dr Rajeesh Kumar’s article on Doklam Standoff, titled, ‘Will the Doklam Standoff Lead to a Second India-China War?’, was published in ‘The Diplomat’ on July 18, 2017.

    Read article

    India-Israel Relations: Not Sky, Principles Should Be The Limit

    July 09, 2017

    Associate Fellow, IDSA, Dr Rajeesh Kumar’s article on India-Israel relations, titled ‘India-Israel Relations: Not Sky, Principles Should Be The Limit’, was published by ‘Outlook’ on July 9, 2017.

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    Possible Outcomes after the US Exit from the Paris Climate Agreement

    China may emerge as the sole leader of global climate negotiations by supporting the Green Climate Fund, which faces a budget crisis with the US exit. This will also provide an opportunity for China to reshape its current global image.

    June 06, 2017

    Waiting for Godot:India and United Nations Security Council Reform

    Fellows' Seminar
    May 05, 2017
    1030 to 1300 hrs

    Between Hope and Despair: Trump and the Future of the United Nations

    Guterres has to forcefully convey to the new US administration that the US-UN relationship is a two-way street, where both parties need each other to safeguard their respective interests.

    February 10, 2017

    Security Council Resolution 2322: Will it Strengthen Multilateral cooperation in Counter-terrorism?

    The Security Council resolution on international judicial cooperation, adopted in December 2016, is a significant development in countering the scourge of terrorism.

    January 06, 2017

    India’s UNSC Bid: Is it different this time?

    A careful reading of the report of the deliberations of the UNGA on November 7, 2016 would suggest that nothing has changed at the ground level; only the rhetoric of member states has been amplified.

    December 08, 2016

    Can Stronger Regional Partnerships Help The UN Promote Global Stability

    Though no one questions the promise of regional partnerships, there are many impediments in practically achieving it as is evident from past partnership missions of the UN.

    November 04, 2016

