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  • इंडोनेशिया में प्रबोवो सुबियांतोः विदेश नीति और संभावनाएं

    इंडोनेशिया के निर्वाचित राष्ट्रपति प्रबोवो सुबियांतो क्या ‘जोकोवी’ की विदेश नीति को ही आगे बढ़ाएंगे या कुछ बदलाव देखने को मिल सकते हैं?

    May 16, 2024

    India and the Scorpene Club

    The creation of a ‘Scorpene Club’ could collectively benefit India, Brazil, Malaysia and Indonesia, all operators of the French-origin submarine.

    April 24, 2024

    Counterterrorism and Deradicalisation: The Indonesian Way

    Indonesia can emulate best practices from neighbouring countries like Malaysia vis-à-vis deradicalisation programmes to further reduce recidivism rates.

    July 13, 2023

    The Silhouette of Indonesia’s Foreign Returned Terrorist Fighters

    Indonesia needs a robust policy response vis-à-vis Foreign Returned Terrorist Fighters in terms of their integration, dismantling of networks, and regular monitoring of their activities.

    May 23, 2023

    Southeast Asian Defence Markets: Opportunities for India

    A larger exchange of defence business between India and Southeast Asia may consolidate India’s position in the regional security architecture, and also forge greater political alignment with important ASEAN partners.

    December 29, 2021

    Southeast Asian Defence Markets: Opportunities for India

    A larger exchange of defence business between India and Southeast Asia may consolidate India’s position in the regional security architecture, and also forge greater political alignment with important ASEAN partners.

    December 29, 2021

    Understanding Indonesia’s Unease with AUKUS

    Given its geo-strategic importance, Indonesia’s cooperation is crucial for success of any regional security framework in the Indo-Pacific. It is therefore important that regional powers pay attention to Indonesia’s concern over Australia’s decision to acquire nuclear-powered submarines under the newly constituted AUKUS, especially in view of the increasing US–China rivalry in the region.

    October 11, 2021

    Indonesia: A Reluctant Participant in the South China Sea Disputes

    The role of Indonesia in the South China Sea (SCS) disputes has been limited to being part of the ASEAN team since the country is not one of the active claimants. Jakarta has tried to sidestep its maritime row with Beijing by emphasizing the lack of a “territorial dispute’ between the two countries. The article analyzes the role and position of Indonesia in the SCS disputes and argues that despite Indonesia’s reluctance to be an active or direct claimant state, developments in recent years have dragged her into the disputes and she will remain involved until a mutually acceptable solution is achieved in the overarching problem of the SCS.

    March 2021

    Indonesian President’s Visit to India : A Visit of Strategic Significance

    President Jokowi’s state visit to India in December is an opportunity to develop a truly strategic relationship that covers maritime security and defence of the Indo-Pacific, economic relations, and cultural, training educational, and people-to-people interactions that can contribute to the realisation of the full potential of two major Asian powers in the 21st century.

    November 25, 2016

    A Joint India-Indonesia Intervention on the Rohingya Issue

    Given that both India and Indonesia have a common interest in preserving their respective democratic, multi-ethnic and multi-religious polities, they need to work together to induce Myanmar to control the violence against the Rohingyas.

    December 15, 2016

