Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & UN: Publications

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  • India-Africa ties get a boost

    At the Second India-Africa Forum Summit held in Addis Ababa, India’s relations with African countries have got a boost with the various cooperation initiatives unveiled by the Indian Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh.

    June 09, 2011

    Responsibility to Protect – The Case of Libya

    Along with a clear and unambiguous mandate, pre-intervention planning also demands an exit strategy which is lacking in the Libyan case.

    May 02, 2011

    India's Response to the Libyan Crisis

    Since there was no clarity about the end goals of this operation, it would have been difficult for the Indian government to communicate and justify its support for this resolution to its domestic constituency.

    April 13, 2011

    Protests in the Arab World: Implications for the Region and India

    The ongoing protests against undemocratic regimes in West Asia and North Africa have sent shockwaves throughout the region. This Brief analyses the protests in the Arab world and their implications for the region and India.

    March 31, 2011

    Uprisings in the Arab World: Options for GOI

    While erstwhile authoritarianism and absolutist rule may no longer be possible, it would be naïve to expect that the Middle East will undergo a metamorphosis.

    March 30, 2011

    The Saudi Succession Puzzle

    By establishing an organized process of selection and factoring in contingencies, King Abdullah is hoping for a smooth and orderly transition. But age and health are not on his side and the current wave of political unrest in the region has only complicated the challenges facing him.

    March 28, 2011

    Challenges for Saudi Arabia amidst Protests in the Gulf

    Saudi Arabia’s concerns about regional stability and its domestic vulnerabilities have risen to the fore amidst popular protests in the Gulf region.

    March 25, 2011

    Rafsanjani’s Fading Political Fortunes

    Rafsanjani losing the position of chairman of the Assembly of Experts is a gain for Ahmadinejad and the hardliners.

    March 23, 2011

    India: An Uneasy Onlooker!

    India’s decision to abstain on the Libya vote shows its distaste for taking a clear position on international issues.

    March 21, 2011

    An Arab Revolution?

    While the Arab Revolution might or might not prove as seminal as the French or the Russian, it has changed the geopolitics significantly and irrevocably.

    March 10, 2011

