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  • India and the World

    India and the World

    Publishers: IDSA and Promilla & Co.

    ISBN: 81-86019-50-02
    Rs 1175
    US $ 45


    Look Beyond NPT’s Framework

    As anticipated, the NPT (Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty) Review Conference held at the UN in New York (May 2-27) ended acrimoniously with no final agreed document among the 188 state parties who are signatories to the treaty that came into force in 1970. This dissonance is in marked contrast to the Rev Cons of 1995 and 2000 when there was significant consensus about the commitments that the nuclear weapon states and the non-nuclear fraternity were willing to undertake in the furtherance of nuclear proliferation.

    June 14, 2005

    Emerging India: Security and Foreign Policy Perspectives

    Emerging India: Security and Foreign Policy Perspectives

    Publishers: IDSA and Promilla & Co.

    ISBN: 81-86019-51-0

    Rs 795

    US $ 30


    Changing Security Dynamic in Eastern Asia: Focus on Japan

    Changing Security Dynamic in Eastern Asia: Focus on Japan

    Publishers: IDSA and Promilla & Co.
    ISBN: 81-86019-51-9
    Rs 1350
    US $ 50


    Emerging Nuclear Proliferation Challenges

    Emerging Nuclear Proliferation Challenges

    Publisher: IDSA

    ISBN: 81-86019-49-9

    Rs. 500

    US $35


    China's Notions of Territorial Sovereignty, Dispute Resolution and Related

    Fellows' Seminar
    June 11, 2005
    1030 to 1300 hrs

    United Nations: Multilateralism and International Security

    United Nations: Multilateralism and International Security

    Publishers: IDSA and Shipra

    ISBN: 81-7541-224-0

    Rs 1250

    US $ 80


    Space as a military base: This could well be the future of warfare

    Recent wars have proved that observation from space is an integral part of modern day conflict. Space is considered the fourth dimension of warfare. In all these wars, American space forces had an asymmetric advantage over their enemy — particularly in the arena of space reconnaissance and navigation. Now it appears that the Bush administration wants to enhance this asymmetry by putting offensive and defensive weapons into outer space.

    June 06, 2005

    India and the NPT

    In a predictable policy statement, the US Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nonproliferation, Andrew Sammel, remarked at the just concluded NPT Review Conference that India should eventually sign the NPT as a non-nuclear weapon state. He asserted: “The situation in South Asia (also) poses unique challenges. Let me reiterate that the United States remains committed to NPT universality.” But at the same time he also highlighted the fact that neither India nor Pakistan may join the Treaty for the foreseeable future.

    June 06, 2005

    Iranian Elections: President-elect and Regional Security

    The results of the second round of elections in Iran's ninth Presidential elections, announced June 24, are not unexpected given that the first round held on June 17 revealed that the victorious President-elect Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had a much greater appeal for the average Iranian voter than his opponent, the former Iranian President and pragmatic cleric Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

    June 28, 2005

