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  • Understanding the PLA’s Command and Leadership System

    The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has established a leadership and command system to enhance its capability to conduct joint operations.

    October 17, 2022

    US National Strategy for the Arctic Region: An Assessment

    The 2022 US National Strategy for the Arctic is reflective of the growing salience of the region in US strategic considerations.

    October 14, 2022

    Prioritising Connectivity: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s Visit to India

    Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s visit underlines the fact that India and Bangladesh are successfully leveraging their geographical location to advance mutually beneficial economic ties.

    October 14, 2022

    Chinese Targeted Cyber Operations against Taiwan: Key Takeaways for India

    Taiwan has a robust defensive strategy to counter malicious Chinese cyber activities, including its disinformation campaigns.

    September 28, 2022

    Western Hydrocarbon Exodus and Arctic Boycott: Opportunities for India in Russia

    India needs to seize the opportunities presented by the exit of Western companies from the Russian energy sector.

    September 15, 2022

    AI and National Security: Major Power Perspectives and Challenges

    Advances in Artificial Intelligence will progressively multiply the threats, challenges, and opportunities from the national security perspective.

    September 12, 2022

    I2U2: A New Template for Cross-Regional Cooperation

    The I2U2 is a promising initiative with immense potential for cross-regional cooperation.

    September 05, 2022

    The Pacific Islands and Geopolitical Jostling: Can India Play a Stabilising Role?

    India can carve a niche as a capacity-builder in helping the southern Pacific countries meet developmental goals and tackle climate change.

    September 02, 2022

    Changing Security Dynamics in the Arctic and India’s Approach

    India needs to strengthen its existing bilateral relations with all the Arctic countries and continue to re-emphasize its call for peaceful resolution of Arctic disputes.

    September 01, 2022

    Delegitimising China’s Naval Presence in the Indian Ocean Region

    The impending removal of the piracy High Risk Area off the coast of Somalia presents an ideal opportunity for India, in partnership with the wider Indo-Pacific maritime community, to delegitimise China’s naval presence and strengthen regional mechanisms for ensuring maritime security.

    August 30, 2022

