
Army Should Back the State Police Not Replace Them in Counter-Terror Operations

Army Should Back the State Police Not Replace Them in Counter-Terror Operations

Instead of exhibiting eagerness to take a leading part in every internal security task, it would be prudent for the Army to remain alert and be prepared and willing to back up the police.

August 03, 2015

70th Commemoration Anniversary of the End of WW II: Japan's New Security Legislation and the Spotlight on Its War 'Apology'

70th Commemoration Anniversary of the End of WW II: Japan's New Security Legislation and the Spotlight on Its War 'Apology'

For the 70th commemoration anniversary of the end of World War II to be meaningful, Japan, China and South Korea need to jointly address the issues involved through a combination of moral responsibility and political maturity.

August 03, 2015

The Rajapakse ‘Coup’ and Upcoming Parliamentary Election in Sri Lanka

The Rajapakse ‘Coup’ and Upcoming Parliamentary Election in Sri Lanka

For the people of Sri Lanka the choice is clear – between de-democratisation represented by Rajapakse and his supporters, and democratisation represented by Sirisena and his political allies.

July 28, 2015

On the Threshold of a New Procurement Regime

On the Threshold of a New Procurement Regime

Recommendations that defence procurement be handled by the military brass, ministers stay out of defence deals, and an external procurement agency be set up to handle procurement and focus on indigenization are indeed extraordinary.

July 23, 2015

India-US Nuclear Deal: Only Half Realised After a Decade

India-US Nuclear Deal: Only Half Realised After a Decade

While the first watt of power from foreign-aided projects may take many years to come, the 10th anniversary coincides with major transformations in India’s indigenous nuclear energy programme.

July 21, 2015

Concerns About Proposed US Rules on Cybersecurity Products

Concerns About Proposed US Rules on Cybersecurity Products

While the Wassenaar Arrangement has instant recall in nuclear circles, it has only recently become a source of turmoil in cybersecurity, after the US Bureau of Industry and Security published rules that are applicable to cyber technologies.

July 20, 2015

India-Pakistan Engagement: Does Ufa Have More To It Than Meets The Eye?

India-Pakistan Engagement: Does Ufa Have More To It Than Meets The Eye?

The new equation is that the Americans nudge India, the Chinese press Pakistan, and together they try to ensure that things don’t go out of control in South Asia.

July 20, 2015

Why India should apply for NSG membership?

Why India should apply for NSG membership?

An Indian application for NSG membership should face less resistance than what china had faced. Such an option is certainly worth an attempt instead of waiting indefinitely for the NSG PGs to arrive at a consensus on inviting India.

July 20, 2015

India and the Satellite Launch Market

India and the Satellite Launch Market

While India has a reliable vehicle for launching less than 2 tonne satellites into LEO, it lacks the necessary infrastructure to obtain larger commercial benefits from this capability.

July 16, 2015

Deployment of Central Forces in the North East: Need for a Realistic Security Audit

Deployment of Central Forces in the North East: Need for a Realistic Security Audit

The security audit should be done in a realistic frame and may include some interlocutors and officers of the C&AG`s department given their understanding of the functioning of the state government machinery at various tiers as well as their independence of approach.

July 15, 2015

