Asia’s Buddhist Connectivity and India’s Role

Asia’s Buddhist Connectivity and India’s Role

India needs to start thinking about seeking a greater transformation in China from authoritarianism to embrace the culture of Buddhism and the impact such a change may entail for enduring relations between India and China.

February 19, 2016

Rocket Launchers for Small Satellites

Rocket Launchers for Small Satellites

The increase in demand for small satellites is not supported by the best launch options. Various existing options have huge limitations. It is believed that ‘proliferation’ of small satellites technology is possible only if reliable and cost-effective launch options are made available.

February 04, 2016

2011 Revolution in Egypt: Five Years Later

2011 Revolution in Egypt: Five Years Later

It will be wrong to conclude that Egypt will remain unfree for too long. Did Napoleon’s accession to power put an end to the French Revolution?

February 03, 2016

Operation All Out against Bodo Militants: What Next?

Operation All Out against Bodo Militants: What Next?

The Centre needs to focus on setting up mechanisms to ensure rehabilitation of displaced persons and surrendered militants as well as their participation in governance

February 02, 2016

Tanzania’s President John Magufuli – The Hero of the Hour

Tanzania’s President John Magufuli – The Hero of the Hour

India needs to take advantage of its historically close and friendly ties with Tanzania and step up its ties with that country, perhaps by scheduling a visit of Prime Minister Modi at the earliest.

January 22, 2016

What to Expect from Modi’s Moscow Visit

What to Expect from Modi’s Moscow Visit

Modi and Putin are all set not only to straighten the loose ends of existing projects but also bring new big items on the table.

December 23, 2015

‘Make in India’ in Defence Sector: An Overview of the Dhirendra Singh Committee Report

‘Make in India’ in Defence Sector: An Overview of the Dhirendra Singh Committee Report

While making a host of recommendations, the Dhirendra Singh Committee has been cautious in assessing their impact on the domestic industry.

September 16, 2015

Parliamentary Elections (2015) in Sri Lanka: Explaining UNP’s success and the Challenges Ahead

Parliamentary Elections (2015) in Sri Lanka: Explaining UNP’s success and the Challenges Ahead

It was almost certain that the United National Front for Good Governance coalition would outperform the United People’s Freedom Alliance in Sri Lanka’s parliamentary elections.

September 04, 2015

The Abe Statement: Reading the Politics behind the 70th Anniversary of WW II

The Abe Statement: Reading the Politics behind the 70th Anniversary of WW II

While it is Japan’s responsibility to pave the road to reconciliation, but for any meaningful progress China and South Korea must reciprocate since reconciliation is a two-way process.

August 24, 2015

International North-South Transport Corridor: Re-energising India’s Gateway to Eurasia

International North-South Transport Corridor: Re-energising India’s Gateway to Eurasia

There is a conscious effort on the part of India to re-energise the INSTC. However, sustaining the momentum achieved remains a major challenge before the member countries of the North-South connectivity project.

August 18, 2015

