The Terrorist Attack on Ataturk Airport – Portents and Pointers

Terrorist Attack on Ataturk Airport

The June 28 attack on Ataturk airport, as also the Zaventem attack in Brussels, have highlighted the security lacunae in all airports, which do not monitor the arrival terminals.

July 08, 2016

India’s NSG Bid: Let’s Set the Record Straight

India’s NSG Bid: Let’s Set the Record Straight

Membership in the NSG is essential to safeguard future Indian interests in nuclear commerce, even if it is not a necessary condition for India to engage in nuclear exports.

July 06, 2016

Sri Lanka as an Outreach Partner of the G-7: Issues and Concerns

India-Sri Lanka Relations

It appears that in order to earn the trust of China and the G7 countries, Sri Lanka has de-emphasised its relationship with India for the time being.

July 01, 2016

Emerging Flashpoints in the Himalayas

Emerging Flashpoints in the Himalayas

It is time to bring together the interests of the Indian and Chinese governments toward seeking the common goal of saving the Himalayas and the people living in the region.

May 18, 2016

Modi’s Visit to Iran: Will it provide a New Momentum to Bilateral Relations?

Modi’s Visit to Iran: Will it provide a New Momentum to Bilateral Relations?

This is an appropriate time to engage Iran, take the relationship forward and concretise many pending projects on connectivity and energy cooperation.

May 16, 2016

The Clarion Call from the Atolls: Marshall Islands Puts the Nuclear Powers on Notice

The Clarion Call from the Atolls: Marshall Islands Puts the Nuclear Powers on Notice

The pivotal question is whether a judicial intervention, in the absence of any political stimulus, can make a meaningful difference to the disarmament movement.

April 06, 2016

All About Pay and Perks: India’s Defence Budget 2016-17

All About Pay and Perks: India’s Defence Budget 2016-17

The two heads of expenditure which have witnessed significant growth in the defence budget 2016-17 are the salary component of the armed forces and the defence pensions.

March 03, 2016

Analysis Based Forecast of Revised Estimates of Defence Budget 2015-16: Who Bails Out Whom?

Analysis Based Forecast of Revised Estimates of Defence Budget 2015-16: Who Bails Out Whom?

Sustaining and building defence capabilty is a continuous process. It requires both adequate budget allocations and full, efficient and judicous utilisation of the allocated budget. This does not appear to have happened in the immediate past and the trend appears to continue in the current year.

February 23, 2016

Port de Djibouti: China’s First Permanent Naval Base in the Indian Ocean

Port de Djibouti: China’s First Permanent Naval Base in the Indian Ocean

Hitherto, the India-China border dispute was largely a land-air contingency. Now, the PLA Navy’s presence in the IOR adds the third dimension and needs to be factored in future planning and preparations.

February 22, 2016

Asia’s Buddhist Connectivity and India’s Role

Asia’s Buddhist Connectivity and India’s Role

India needs to start thinking about seeking a greater transformation in China from authoritarianism to embrace the culture of Buddhism and the impact such a change may entail for enduring relations between India and China.

February 19, 2016

