COP25: Another Lost Opportunity

COP25 was expected to give prominence to science, streamline ambitious targets and raise trust among parties. Even after a marathon two-week talks, issues such as creating an international carbon market and climate financing were pushed to the next year.

January 15, 2020

Soleimani’s Killing Redefines US-Iran Rivalry

The situation in Persian Gulf has been on the boil with several tit-for-tat actions raising the chances of a direct confrontation. However, Iran will be cautious in choosing an all-out war given its vulnerabilities against the US military might.

January 13, 2020

NRC Will Make India-Bangladesh Relations More Sustainable

The issue of illegal migration in India-Bangladesh relationship cannot be swept under the carpet. It will be better if both sides look at the issue dispassionately especially when the trust levels are high.

January 08, 2020

TikTok: A Ticking Bomb!

TikTok has hooked youngsters around the world. What is worrisome is the lack of understanding about the long-term implications of such social media apps with regard to data protection and national security.

December 24, 2019

Military Logistics Agreements: Wind in the Sails for Indian Navy

Availability of logistics support facilities with partner countries will further enhance the ability of the Indian Navy to maintain appropriate ‘presence’ for extended periods in the wider Indo-Pacific.

November 26, 2019

Protocol for Contract Administration and Post-Contract Management

There is a need to evolve a protocol for contract administration and post-contract management of all capital and revenue contracts awarded by various departments of the defence ministry and the armed forces.

November 25, 2019

Defining the Charter of Chief of Defence Staff

Having decided to create the post of CDS, the next logical step for the government is to define its charter of duties and responsibilities. The government needs to examine not just the CDS’s role as a single-point military advisor, but also his role in other matters that are equally important in driving critical defence reforms.

November 21, 2019

Baghdadi’s Elimination: ISIS Down but Not Out

The ISIS may be down but not out as it is in the process of regrouping. A large number of their cadres are known to have survived. Any relaxation of pressure will give ISIS room for manoeuvre and ability to garner support of local allies.

November 13, 2019

Significance of SDGs and India’s Evolving Global Role

India has demonstrated a bold commitment to multilateralism. On all three parameters – ideational, diplomatic and institutional – India’s role is a continuation of a long lineage. As for the implementation of SDGs, India is trying to ensure that its impressive growth trickles down to the last man standing through proactive state interventions.

November 08, 2019

ISIS Crisis: Unknown ‘Caliph’ of an Absent Caliphate

The possibility of total decimation of ISIS gives the world an opportunity to take the fight against global terror to several localised jihadist groups operating across the world, before they forge new cross-continental alliances and give rise to a larger terror conglomerate.

November 05, 2019

